Valley Campaign – Order of Battle

Correspondence, Orders, And Returns Relating To Operations In Northern Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, And Pennsylvania From November 15, 1862, To January 26, 1863.
Maj. Gen. D. H. HILL.
First Brigade.
Brig. Gen. R. E. RODES.
3d Alabama, Col. Cullen A. Battle.
5th Alabama, Lieut. Col. Edwin L. Hobson.
6th Alabama, Col. John B. Gordon.
12th Alabama, Lieut. Col. Samuel B. Pickens.
26th Alabama, Lieut. Col. Edward A. O’Neal.
Second Brigade.
4th Georgia, Col. Philip Cook.
44th Georgia, Col. John B. Estes.
1st North Carolina, Col. John A. McDowell.
3d North Carolina, Col. William L. De Rosset.
Third Brigade.
Brig. Gen. A. H. COLQUITT.
13th Alabama, Col. B. D. Fry.
6th Georgia, Col. John T. Lofton.
23d Georgia, Col. E. F. Best.
27th Georgia, Col. C. T. Zachry.
28th Georgia, Maj. Tully Graybill.
Fourth Brigade.
Brig. Gen. A. IVERSON.
5th North Carolina, Lieut. Col. P. J. Sinclair.
12th North Carolina, Col. Benjamin O. Wade.
20th North Carolina, Lieut. Col. William H. Toon.
23d North Carolina, Col. Daniel H. Christie.
Fifth Brigade.
Brig. Gen. S. D. RAMSEUR.
2d North Carolina, Col. W. P. Bynum.
4th North Carolina, Col. Bryan Grimes.
14th North Carolina, Col. R. T. Bennett.
30th North Carolina, Col. F. M. Parker.
Maj. H. P. JONES.
Hardaway’s battery, Capt. R. A. Hardaway.
Jeff. Davis (Alabama) Artillery, Capt. J. W. Bondurant.
King William (Virginia) Artillery, Capt. T. H. Carter.
Morris (Virginia)Artillery, Capt. R. C. M. Page.
Orange (Virginia) Artillery, Capt. C. W. Fry.
APRIL 27-MAY 6, 1863.–The Chancellorsville Campaign.
No. 308.–Organization of the Army of Northern Virginia.(*)
(1) Brig. Gen. R. E. RODES.
(2) Brig. Gen. S. D. RAMSEUR.
Rodes’ Brigade.
(1) Brig. Gen. R. E. RODES.
(2) Col. E. A. O’NEAL.
(3) Col. J. M. HALL.
3d Alabama, Capt. M. F. Bonham.
5th Alabama:
Col. J. M. Hall.
Lieut. Col. E. L. Hobson.
Capt. W. T. Renfro.
Capt. T. M. Riley.
6th Alabama, Col. James N. Lightfoot.
12th Alabama, Col. Samuel B. Pickens.
26th Alabama:
Col. E. A. O’Neal.
Lieut. Col. John S. Garvin.
Lieut. M. J. Taylor.
Colquitt’s Brigade.
Brig. Gen. A. H. COLQUITT.
6th Georgia, Col. John T. Lofton.
19th Georgia, Col. A. J. Hutchins.
23d Georgia, Col. Emory F. Best.
27th Georgia, Col. C. T. Zachry.
28th Georgia, Col. Tully Graybill.
Ramseur’s Brigade.
(1) Brig. Gen. S. D. RAMSEUR.
(2) Col. F. M. PARKER.
2d North Carolina, Col. W. R. Cox.
4th North Carolina, Col. Bryan Grimes.
14th North Carolina, Col. R. T. Bennett.
30th North Carolina, Col. F. M. Parker.
Doles’ Brigade.
4th Georgia:
Col. Philip Cook.
Lieut. Col. D. R. E. Winn.
12th Georgia, Col. Edward Willis.
21st Georgia, Col. J. T. Mercer.
44th Georgia, Col. J. B. Estes.
Iverson’s Brigade.
5th North Carolina:
Col. Thomas M. Garrett.
Lieut. Col. J. W. Lea.
Maj. William J. Hill.
Capt. S. B. West.
12th North Carolina:
Maj. D. P. Rowe.
Lieut. Col. R. D. Johnston, of the 23d North Carolina.
20th North Carolina: Col. T. F. Toon. Lieut. Col. N. Slough.
23d North Carolina, Col. D. H. Christie.
Lieut. Col. T. H. CARTER.
Reese’s, formerly Bondurant’s (Alabama) battery (Jeff. Davis Artillery).
Carter’s (Virginia) battery (King William Artillery).
Fry’s (Virginia) battery (‘Orange Artillery).
Page’s (Virginia) battery (Morris Artillery