Research Assistance Thanks

Much of the information contained within this book is the compilation of research shared by various Martin genealogy researchers. I am indebted to many for the work they have done and the information they have provided. Much of my original information came from an old Martin family bible. The last time I saw this bible was in the
early 1980’s and Uncle Clee had it. It contained a lot of the North Carolina information and some Cranford information.
Many of the family stories on this site originated from a volume entitled “Family Stories” by Cleta Stuart-Porterfield. I have attempted to keep them in their original format and add only pictures or corrections to genealogical information. Some additions are from the book “History of Wolf Bayou and Healing Springs Township”, by Louie Clark,
reprinted by permission.
I am also grateful to Charles Martin Stuart for his assistance in family research and for being my guide during my last trip to Arkansas. Charles is the resident family historian and he loves to share his information. He was able to take me to the old home place and assist in finding the grave sites of the two infant children that died, along with the
old dipping vat and mill water ditch.
I wish to thank Jo Anne Stuart-Johnson for additional information and pictures of the Martin family. Although I have been interested in family genealogy for some time, it is only within the last couple of years that I have been able to devote time to it. It has become a fascinating hobby and has given me a better understanding and appreciation of my history. I have learned a great deal about the North Carolina ancestors and the Alabama ancestors. Much of my study has been directed at the military history of my ancestors and this research has been very fruitful.
A major assistance in this research has been the use of the Internet and the World Wide Web (WWW). I established a Martin Family Genealogy page in 1996 and through that page have made contact with countless other Martin researchers. Many providing additional information about my ancestors and even the discovery of some new cousins. I received electronic mail from Bill and Linda Gaines, descendants of Nelson Martin; she is the granddaughter of Nelson. They provided information on the Nelson Martin descendants and additional information
on the Kever ancestors. I have also received electronic mail from Mark Orler, descendant of Gattis Martin, and he provided information on descendants of Gattis Martin
Thank you to one and all!