Battle of Murfreeshorough

DECEMBER 26, 1862-JANUARY 5, 1863.–The Stone’s River or Murfreesborough, Tenn., Campaign.
No. 292.–Report of Lieut. Col. William Thedford, Eleventh Tennessee Infantry. 1863.
On Wednesday, at daylight,, the Eleventh Tennessee Regiment, Col. G. W. Gordon commanding, was drawn up in line of battle on the left of General Rains’ brigade and of McCown’s division. We remained in this position with the Twenty-ninth North Carolina Regiment on the extreme left, when we were ordered to charge the enemy, stationed some 800 yards in advance. The charge was led by General Rains in person, and resulted in a complete rout of the enemy, who were pursued for some 3 miles. A halt was then ordered and the command reformed. After a short rest we were again ordered to advance in line until we encountered a large force of the enemy. A charge was immediately ordered, which was obeyed with alacrity, until the advance was checked by the enemy’s battery, which rained shot and shell into our ranks. Here General Rains advanced to the front and was immediately killed. Colonel Gordon was severely wounded while gallantly leading his regiment, and the command devolved upon myself. The enemy opposed our advance with obstinacy, and being strongly re-enforced, and our ammunition failing, we retired to the rear. Collecting the scattered of the regiment and procuring ammunition, we again advanced to the front, and were a third time ordered to charge the enemy. As before, the men obeyed with a shout, and drove the enemy before them until they gained a strong natural position. Here the ground was hotly contested until we were ordered to retire. Though constantly in line, the regiment was not again actively engaged. A large number of the regiment were engaged only in the first charge, in consequence of guarding the prisoners taken.
Lieutenant-Colonel, Comdg. Eleventh Regiment Tennessee Vols.