Battle of Chancellorsville

APRIL 27-MAY 6, 1863.–The Chancellorsville Campaign.
No. 368.–Reports of Brig. Gen. R. E. Rodes, C. S. Army, commanding D. H. Hill’s division.
In the meantime the residue of Rodes’, Iverson’s, and Pender’s troops, moving forward to the left of Hall and Christie, were met and repulsed by the enemy, thus leaving the flank of the party on the heights exposed to an overwhelming force. They were compelled to fall back behind the Plank road, with the loss of over 100 men and both Alabama flags.
A second line of battle having been assembled along the log breastworks on the left of the road, composed of parts of the Third, Sixth, and Twenty-sixth Alabama, the Fifth North Carolina, under Lieutenant-Colonel [J. W.] Lea, who had just joined it, and other scattering troops, I ordered it, through Major [H. A.] Whiting, to attack, moving parallel to the Plank road. [Colonel] Hall immediately attacked the epaulements again with his two regiments, and gallantly carried them; but the troops just mentioned, who had attacked farther to the left, being again repulsed, he again fell back to the breastworks.
While this was transpiring in front, the enemy made an attack in force on my left and rear.
This attack was met by the Twelfth Alabama, Colonel [Samuel B.] Pickens, Colonel [James N.] Lightfoot, of the Sixth Alabama, with a small portion of his regiment, and some troops of Nicholls’ brigade, skillfully placed by General Iverson, and sustained against fearful odds until I ordered up Colquitt’s brigade, which quickly and handsomely repulsed it. The enemy–being repulsed decidedly here, barely holding his own in the left center, and compelled about the same time by the artillery fire from the right to abandon the epaulements–withdrew all his forces to the hill back of the Chancellor house.
The fighting on the center and left was of a most desperate character, and resulted in the loss of many valuable officers. Among them, and most to be regretted, was Maj. A. M. Gordon, of the Sixth Alabama, a young officer of great promise and great purity of character.
General Pender, speaking of the first advance of my troops, stated to me that Colonel Christie and his regiment, which he handled in magnificent style, especially attracted his attention, and that the colonel deserved promotion.
While these movements were taking place on the left, Ramseur and Doles pushed forward on the right, passed the first line of intrenchments, which had already been carried, passed the first and second lines of our troops, and became fiercely engaged. Doles, deflecting to the right, passed up a ravine behind the graveyard on Chancellor’s Hill, and finally came out in the field nearly opposite the house, driving the enemy before him as he advanced, and actually getting several hundred yards to the rear as well of those troops opposing the rest of my division as of those opposing General Anderson’s division. Subsequently he was compelled to fall back, and was directed by General Lee to take charge of a large body of prisoners. Ramseur, after vainly urging the troops in possession of the first line of intrenchments to move forward, obtained permission to pass them, and, dashing over the works, charged the second intrenched line in the most brilliant style. The struggle at this point was long and obstinate, but the charge on the left of the Plank road at this time caused the enemy to give way on his left, and this, combined with the unflinching determination of his men, carried the day and gave him possession of the works. Not being supported, he was exposed still to a galling fire from the right, with great danger of being flanked. Notwithstanding repeated efforts made by him, and by myself in person, none of the trooops in his rear would move up until the old Stonewall Brigade arrived on the ground, and gallantly advanced in conjunction with the Thirtieth North Carolina Regiment, Colonel [F. M.] Parker, of Ramseur’s brigade, which had been detached to support a battery, and was now on its return. Occupying the works on the right of Ramseur, and thus relieving him when his ammunition was nearly expended, the Stonewall Brigade pushed on, and carried the Chancellorsville heights, making the third time that they were captured. They in turn were forced to fall back, but recaptured several of the prisoners and one of the flags taken from Colonel Hall.
At this juncture, Lieutenant-Colonel [T. H.] Carter, who had behaved with signal courage and judgment during the whole action, succeeded, in conjunction with Major Pegram, in getting several batteries in position in a field to the right, which opened with such precision and rapidity on such of the enemy’s batteries and troops as remained on the plain of Chancellorsville as finally to drive them back in utter confusion. Lieutenant-Colonel Hilary [P.] Jones, of the artillery, a most accomplished officer, had, however, before this placed ten guns near the Plank road and on the nearest ridge to the enemy’s epaulements, which had fired with marked success on the artillery stationed at the Chancellor house and on the retreating troops.
As soon as our artillery fire would permit, the heights were occupied by the infantry, and, by order of General Stuart, I took charge of arranging all the troops found on the field in line of battle parallel to the Plank road. The earliest troops on the ground were Colonel [J. M.] Brockenbrough’s and another Virginia regiment, belonging, I think, to the same brigade. These were subsequently withdrawn, and my troops located as follows: Iverson’s brigade on right, extending from the Chancellor house up the Plank road, next Rodes’ brigade, then Ramseur’s brigade, and finally Doles’ brigade–all parallel and close to the road. Doles’ was subsequently thrown across the road and at an angle of 45 degrees with it, connecting with General Pender, by whom this line was continued on to the left. Colston’s division, now attached to my command, was located on the Turnpike road, to the right and in continuation of my line. Colquitt’s brigade was placed en echelon with reference both to Iverson and Colston, and 100 yards in rear, to enable our artillery to operate in the interval. This position was strongly fortified, and was held without molestation until Tuesday morning, when I pushed forward my whole line of skirmishers to feel the enemy. He was discovered to be in very great force, both of infantry and artillery, with formidable intrenchments.
Strength and Casualties of brigades of D. H. Hill’s division, commanded by Brig. Gen. R. E. Rodes, in battle of Chancellorsville.
O Officers. M Men. A Aggregate.
-Strength.– ————-Casualties.—————
Killed. Wounded. Missing.
Command. O M O M O M O M A
Doles’ brigade 133 1,489 4 62 31 312 …. 28 437
Iverson’s brigade 135 1,660 9 69 26 305 5 72 486
Ramseur’s brigade 129 1,380 12 142 41 485 5 103 788
Rodes’ brigade 151 1,744 5 85 42 496 21 167 816
Colquitt’s brigade(*) 130 1,600 …. 9 8 120 28 284 449
Total 678 7,873 30 367 148 1,718 59 654 2,976
Brigadier-General, Commanding Division.
APRIL 27-MAY 6, 1863.–The Chancellorsville Campaign.
No. 369.–Reports of Col. Edward A. O’Neal, Twenty-sixth Alabama Infantry commanding Rodes’ brigade.
May 12, 1863.
SIR: In obedience to orders, I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of Rodes’ brigade during the eight days’ campaign, commencing on April 29 and ending on May 6:
Early in the morning of April 29, I received orders to hold the brigade in readiness to move at a moment’s warning, and about 8 o’clock the brigade was formed on the road, the right resting on Round Oak Church; thence, after a short delay, we moved to Hamilton’s Crossing. Here I was ordered to put the brigade in line of battle in a skirt of pine woods, about 1 mile to the right of the railroad and just in rear of our works. The brigade rested here during the balance of the day and until 3 o’clock next morning, when I was ordered to move the brigade to the right about a half mile and place it in the intrenchments, the right resting on Massaponax Creek and the left on the Bowling Green road. During the day the enemy’s batteries across the river shelled a portion of the line, the Third and Sixth Alabama Regiments, but, being protected by the earthworks and the hill, no damage was done.
At 3 o’clock on the morning of May 1, I moved the brigade to Hamilton’s Crossing, left in front, and thence to the Plank road, some 7 or 8 miles, where I was ordered to prepare for immediate action, to support the forces of General Anderson, who were engaging the enemy. Being in rear of General Colquitt’s brigade, I was directed to connect with him and move as he moved. At this point the men were ordered to take off and pile their knapsacks, and, facing by the rear rank, I moved the brigade across an open field to a public road, and then down it about I mile, where we rested in a wood till late in the evening, when I received orders to march back to the Plank road, and, after reaching it, to halt the brigade and send back for the knapsacks. Having obtained the baggage, I moved down the Plank road about 2 miles and bivouacked for the night.
Early on the morning of May 2, the brigade was moved forward on the Plank road about 1 mile, and thence, taking a road to the left, passed the furnace and formed in line of battle, after a march of some 10 or 12 miles, beyond the Turnpike road, just above its junction with the Plank road and in rear of the enemy. The brigade was formed perpendicular to the road and on the left of it, with the right regiment (the Third Alabama) resting on the road and connecting with General Doles’, which was on the right of the road.
About 5.30 o’clock the order to advance was given, and very soon the corps of sharpshooters, under Major [Eugene] Blackford, of the Fifth Alabama, were engaged with the enemy’s pickets. The brigade moved rapidly and steadily forward, and in a few minutes was engaged, delivering a regular and telling fire. We drove the enemy from his first line of breastworks, and, pursuing him with spirit and rapidity, soon came upon his second line of works, which were carried after only a moment’s delay. At this time the enemy’s batteries poured upon us–especially the right wing, the Third and Sixth Alabama Regiments–a shower of grape and canister. Still advancing, we continued to drive the enemy before us, and passed to his third line, consisting of log works, which were immediately carried, the enemy giving only one volley before he fled. Darkness coming on, the pursuit was discontinued.
In this short space of time we drove the enemy before us about 2 miles, and from three breastworks–two of earth and one of logs–and two abatis. We captured a considerable number of prisoners. Capt. W. T. Renfro, commanding the right wing of the Fifth Alabama, after Colonel [E. L.] Hobson had been wounded, brought in 225, and Colonel [James N.] Lightfoot, of the Sixth Alabama, 105. Among the prisoners was Colonel [Warren W.] Packer, Fifth Connecticut, and several other officers. We captured three pieces of artillery and part of a fourth piece, which was claimed by another brigade. We also captured a lot of ammunition and a quantity of small-arms.
The Third Alabama captured and have now in possession two stand of Federal artillery colors, and the Sixth Alabama captured one battery flag.
Being with the brigade throughout this brilliant charge, I can personally bear witness to the gallant bearing of the officers and the daring, dashing courage of the men. In this connection, permit me also to state the order, regularity, and precision with which the several regimental commanders moved and handled their commands throughout this charge. The Third Alabama, under the command of Captains [M. F.] Bonham, [John W.] Chester, and [Watkins] Phelan, was ordered to move along the road, and perpendicular to it, and was the battalion of direction, and the other regiments (the Sixth, under Lieutenant-Colo-nel Lightfoot and Major [A. M.] Gordon; the Twelfth, under Colonel [Samuel B.] Pickens and Captain [A.] Proskaner; the Twenty-sixth, under Lieutenant-Colonel [John S.] Garvin and Major [David F.] Bryan, and the Fifth, under Colonel Hall and Lieutenant-Colonel Hobson) moved in line of battle with this regiment; and although passing through a dense and tangled forest for a mile, all the regiments were connected and moved in a regular, unbroken line, the officers exhibiting the greatest coolness and daring, cheering on their men by both voice and example. <ar39_952>
In this charge, Lieut. Col. E. L. Hobson was wounded while gallantly rushing in front of his men near the enemy’s second line of works. Major Bryan, Twenty-sixth Alabama, was also wounded near the same place, and about the same time, while bravely performing his duties.
Capt. Watkins Phelan, who commanded the left wing of the Third Alabama, was also wounded in this charge. He, with Captain Bonham, who commanded the regiment, and Captain Chester, who commanded the right wing of the Third Alabama, acted most gallantly, and led their regiments with great success. And it is but simple justice to say that each regiment did its whole duty.
As soon as the night put an end to the pursuit, I formed the brigade, and, having had ammunition issued to the men, reported to the brigadier-general commanding division for orders. He ordered me to move to the earthworks to the left of the road (the second line we had carried) and to relieve General Paxton, which was done, and there we rested for the night.
About 6 o’clock Sunday morning, May 3, I received orders to advance, the brigade being in the third or reserve line of battle. We moved forward under heavy shelling in an open field and then through a dense woods for about 1 mile, when we came up with our second line of battle and passed through it. I inquired, as we passed, whose brigade, and was informed it was General Paxton’s. We continued to move forward until we came to some other troops, when I ordered a halt, and found that the Third Alabama had lapped over and got in front of the Sixth Alabama–the regiment immediately on its left. While rectifying the line, the brigadier-general commanding rode up and ordered me to the road with him, and, explaining to me the position of the forces on my right and the direction I was to pursue, ordered me to push forward over our first line of battle and dislodge the enemy from Chancellor’s Hill.
In company with Major [H. A.] Whiting, assistant adjutant-general, I immediately started in a run for the center of the brigade, to execute this order, and, when near the center, was stricken down by the fuse of a shell, which disabled me for the balance of the day. I directed Major Whiting to move the brigade forward, and to inform Colonel Hall, of the Fifth Alabama, that the command devolved on him. Colonel Hall was at the time on the extreme left of the line with his regiment. The brigade moved forward under a most terrific storm Of shell, grape, canister, and musketry, and for what took place afterward I respectfully refer you to the report of Colonel Hall, who so bravely led it, and that of Colonel Pickens, who so gallantly resisted the advance on our left, and ask that these reports may be taken and considered a part of this.
In obedience to orders from the corps commander to report what standards were captured and which lost, I have the honor to report that the colors of the Fifth Alabama Regiment were captured by the enemy in the attack upon the intrenchments at Chancellor’s house on the morning of the 3d instant. This regiment, supported by only a portion of the Twenty-sixth Alabama and four companies of Iverson’s brigade, was the first to charge and carry the enemy’s works near the Chancellor house. Having taken possession of the epaulements which commanded the Plank road, this regiment moved forward in the charge considerably in advance of the right, and, being unsupported by the brigade on its left, had its left flank turned by a superior force, and was forced to retire from the works. In doing so, the color-bearer was wounded, and with the colors and over 100 of its men were surrounded <ar39_953> and captured. Retiring only to the Plank road, this regiment again charged, and took these works without support, and a second time had to retire before superior numbers. Captured in the midst of the enemy’s guns and intrenchments, and some time before any other troops reached that point, the loss of their flag is one of the highest evidences of the gallant and daring service rendered by the Fifth Alabama Regiment in the action of that day.
I cannot close this report without calling special attention to that assiduous attention to every duty, and that calm courage, coolness, and self-possession exhibited, under all circumstances, during these trying days, by Maj. H. A. Whiting, assistant adjutant-general, and most respectfully recommend him to the commanding general for promotion. He was invaluable to me throughout the two engagements of Saturday and Sunday.
I am also greatly indebted to Adjutants [A. H.] Pickett and [Samuel H] Moore, of the’ Third and Twenty-sixth Alabama Regiments, who acted as aides, for valuable services in fearlessly carrying and delivering orders.
The brigade inspector, Lieutenant [Daniel] Partridge, [jr.,] was energetic and untiring in the performance of his duties, and rendered efficient aid.
I desire also to mention Mr. Webb Woodruff and Mr. Rittenhouse Moore, who were with me and did good service.
Inclosed you will find the reports of regimental commanders, to which I call special attention; also, lists of casualties.(*)
1 am, captain, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Colonel, Commanding Brigade.
Capt. G. PEYTON,
Assistant Adjutant-General.
APRIL 27-MAY 6, 1863.–The Chancellorsville Campaign.
No. 375.–Reports of Col. Samuel B. Pickens, Twelfth Alabama Infantry.
May 5, 1863.
CAPTAIN: In obedience to orders, I make the following report: About 5.30 p.m., May 2, the Twelfth Alabama Regiment was formed into line of battle, and ordered forward with the remainder of the brigade. We had advanced about 500 yards when we received a heavy volley from the enemy. The command “Charge” was immediately given; the regiment rushed in, driving the enemy before them rapidly. The haste in which the pursuit was kept up seemed to strike terror into the enemy, as they fled, doing comparatively little injury. We had driven them about 1½ miles, when the brigade commander ordered me to halt my regiment, to let the second line of battle go in advance, as all of us were much exhausted. I succeeded in halting about 30 of my men, <ar39_961> but the others pressed onward. I left the few men I had halted under an officer, and pressed on after the remainder of the regiment, but I went half a mile before I overtook them; they had passed over two formidable works, and assisted in taking several pieces of artillery. Colors of the Twelfth Alabama Regiment were about the first in the breastworks. When I joined them, I found not only my men, but officers and men from every regiment in the brigade. Being the senior officer present, I formed them all (those from other regiments also) into line, and marched them back about half a mile where a portion of the brigade had already been formed, that being the place we were ordered to form. The brigade commander soon formed the brigade into line, and marched us into camp for the night.
I carried into the fight:
Commissioned officers 26
Privates and non-commissioned officers 304
Total 330
Killed and wounded in the engagement of May 2:
Commissioned officers killed 1
Enlisted men killed 5
Total killed 6
Commissioned officers wounded 3
Enlisted men wounded 29
Total wounded 32
About 6.30 a.m. on May 3, the Twelfth Alabama Regiment was formed into line of battle and ordered forward with the remainder of the brigade. The brigade formed a part of the third line of battle. We had advanced about a mile when we came up with the second line of battle; this we passed. We passed over the wooden breastworks in the woods on the extreme left of our lines, and advanced near the first line of battle, which was then engaging the enemy. We were soon flanked, and fell back to the breastworks.
Learning here that Colonel [E. A.] O’Neal had been wounded and had left the field, and not seeing Colonel [J. M.] Hall (next in command), I immediately formed my regiment and portions of the Third, Sixth, and Twenty-sixth Alabama, and determined to hold the works, if possible. Learning from skirmishers that the enemy were advancing perpendicular to the breastworks, endeavoring to flank the works and turn our left, I immediately reported the fact to General Iverson (who just then came up), and asked for orders. He ordered me to form the portion of the brigade I was commanding perpendicular to the breastworks, right resting at the works. The brigade was not long in this position before our forces again advanced from the breastworks, leaving me to protect the flank. The enemy was soon seen advancing in heavy force. I allowed them to advance within musket-range, when I opened on them. I held them in check for over an hour, until the ammunition was nearly expended–a great many men had fired all their cartridges–when I was relieved by General Colquitt.
The brigade acted very gallantly, and fought desperately. During the time I held the enemy in check, they were re-enforced three times. After being relieved by General Colquitt, I retired to the rear for ammunition, and did not again enter the fight.
Loss in my regiment (Twelfth Alabama) on May 3:
Officers and men. Killed. Wounded. Missing. Total
Commissioned Officers. 1 8 1 10
Enlisted men 6 47 19 72
Total(*) 7 55 20 82
Total loss both days:
Officers and men. Killed. Wounded. Missing. Total
Commissioned Officers. 2 11 1 14
Enlisted men 11 76 19 106
Total(*) 13 87 20 120
I know no instance of individual gallantry; all under my command acted well.
Colonel Twelfth Alabama Volunteers.
Capt. H. A. WHITING,
Asst. Adjt. Gen., Rodes’ Brigade.
CAPTAIN: In obedience to orders, I make the following report of the operations of my regiment since leaving camp on April 29:
About 10 a.m. on April 29, the Twelfth Alabama Regiment left camp and marched directly to Hamilton’s Crossing, and formed line of battle in the trenches about 500 yards to the right of the railroad.
Here the regiment remained until 3 o’clock the next morning (April 30), when we marched half a mile to the right, and again took position in the trenches.
The regiment remained at this place until 2.30 o’clock the next morning (May 1), when we commenced moving to the left. We crossed the railroad and marched 8 or 10 miles, when (about 1 p.m.) the regiment was halted, line of battle formed, and we advanced to engage the enemy. After maneuvering in the woods for some time, the regiment was placed on the first line of battle, where we were exposed to the enemy’s shells. Here we remained until near sunset, when the regiment was ordered back to the Plank road, and took up a line of march farther to the left. After marching about 2 miles, we camped for the night.
Next morning (May 2), we again commenced the march to the left/to’ ward the enemy’s right flank). After marching about 10 miles, making a circuit, we reached our position to the enemy’s right about 3.30 p.m. Line of battle was soon formed, and at 5.30 p.m. the advance was commenced through very thick woods. We had advanced about 400 yards when the enemy poured a heavy volley into our line. The command “Charge” was immediately given, when the regiment rushed forward with impetuosity, driving the enemy before them. The haste in which <ar39_963> the pursuit was commenced and kept up seemed to strike terror into the enemy, as they fled rapidly, doing us little injury. The enemy had been driven about 1½ miles, when the brigade commander (Colonel [E. A.] O’Neal) ordered a halt, to let the second line of battle go in advance. I succeeded in halting about 30 of my men; the others, not hearing the command, pressed on. Finding that most of my men had kept on, I left the few I had halted in charge of an officer, and endeavored to overtake the others, but they had gone half a mile before I came up with them. They had assisted in taking two formidable breastworks and in capturing three pieces of artillery. The colors of the Twelfth Alabama were among the first planted on the works where the artillery was taken. When I came up with my regiment, I also found portions of the other regiments in the brigade. Being the senior officer present, I formed them in line, and marched them back to where the brigade commander had first ordered the brigade to halt. My regiment was again soon formed, and put into camp for the night.
I carried into the fight on May 2 about 304 non-commissioned officers and privates, and 26 commissioned officers ; total, 330.
Killed and wounded in fight of May 2:
Officers and men. Killed. Wounded. Missing. Total
Commissioned Officers. 1 3 4 8
Non-commissioned officers and privates. 5 29 34 68
Total(*) 6 32 38 76
About 6.30 a.m. on May 3, the Twelfth Alabama Regiment was formed in line of battle and ordered forward (regiment formed a part of third line of battle). We advanced through the woods about a mile, under a heavy fire of shell and shot, when we came up with the second line of battle. This we passed, but in so doing some confusion occurred. The regiment passed over the wooden breastworks in the woods (on the extreme left) from which the enemy had been driven in the early part of the morning, and then we advanced near the first line of battle, which was then engaging The enemy. Just at this time our left was flanked, and the regiment was compelled to fall back to the breastworks. Here I again formed the regiment, and prepared to hold the works.
At this time, General Iverson coming up, I reported to him (Colonel O’Neal having been wounded) that the enemy were advancing on the works and endeavoring to flank them and turn our left. He ordered me to take position perpendicular to the breastworks, the right of our brigade (I was then commanding it) resting on the works. We had not been in this position long before General Iverson’s brigade advanced from the works, leaving my regiment and others exposed. I moved by the right flank a short distance, throwing my regiment across the breastworks and in advance of them. I soon saw the enemy advancing in heavy force. I ordered the men to lie down and wait until the enemy came within musket-range; this they did. Soon the firing commenced, and the fight became general. The firing was terrific. I held the position for over an hour against great odds, the enemy having been re-en-forced three times. Almost every round of ammunition was expended, when General Colquitt came to our relief. I then moved to the rear for ammunition. As soon as we were supplied, I moved my regiment (together with the portion of the brigade then under my command) down <ar39_964> the Plank road, and was placed in the trenches near large brick house, where my regiment remained until we were marched back to camp, on May 6.
I must say that our success in holding the enemy in check on our extreme left, and preventing them from flanking us, is in a great measure due to the skill General Iverson showed in placing in position the different portions of regiments and brigades that had become separated from their proper commands.
During the battles of the 2d and 3d, I was struck with the coolness and gallantry displayed by Colonel O’Neal, commanding brigade, and Capt. H. A. Whiting, assistant adjutant-general. They were up with the line of battle in the thickest of the fight, and their action inspired confidence in officers and men.
Killed and wounded in fight of May 3:
Officers and men. Killed. Wounded. Total
Commissioned Officers. 1 8 9
Non-commissioned officers and privates. 7 47 54
Total(*) 8 55 63
Killed, wounded, and missing for both days (2d and 3d) :
Officers and men. Killed. Wounded. Missing. Total
Commissioned Officers. 2 11 1 14
Non-commissioned officers and privates. 12 76 10 98
Total(*) 14 87 11 112
Colonel Twelfth Alabama Volunteers.
Capt. H. A. WHITING,
Asst. Adjt. Gen., Rodes’ Brigade.
APRIL 27-MAY 6, 1863.–The Chancellorsville Campaign.
No. 426.–Confederate Roll of Honor.
Twelfth Regiment of Infantry:
Capt. H. W. Cox,(*) Co. B.
Private Louis Dondero, Co. A.
Private R. W. May, Co. B.
Sergt. William Lawless, Co. C.
Private J. E. Bailey, Co. D.
Private C. H. Hunter, Co. E.
Private P. W. Chappell, Co. F
Private R. B. Mitchell, Co. G.
Private W. S. Brown, Co, H.
Private H. N. Wooten, Co. I.
Private Thomas H. Eady, Co. K.
Twenty-sixth Regiment of Infantry:
First. Lieut. E. S. Stuckey, Co. B.
Private L. Walters, Co. A.
Private Jos. H. Bounds, Co. B.
Sergt. J. H. Lockwell, Co. C.
Private J. C. Pennington, Co. D.
Private Jos. Munsel, Co. E.
Private James H. Dewdie, Co. F.
Corpl. Jesse Parsons, Co. G.
Private D. H. Spraddle, Co. H.
Sergt. D. Butler, Co. I.
Private B. F. Smith, Co. K.