About Grandpa’s Grumblings

This is a multi-subject site. I use it to post information about things I am interested in, although a majority of content falls in the following areas:
- Family History / Genealogy,
- Military / War,
- Grandkids,
- Tadpole bicycles,
- Fishing, and
- Camping and RV Travel.
Use the menu system at the top to find articles. If you are looking for Ara’s Grandpa World of Tanks Mods, it has moved. Click on the link to be transported there.
On the Top Menu:
Menu / Index will provide links to posts based on category
Blog will provide all posts in the order of last modified date, so new additions appear at the top.
Genealogy Note: Many of the family stories on this site originated from a volume entitled “Family Stories” by Cleta Stuart-Porterfield. I have attempted to keep them in their original format and add only pictures or corrections to genealogical information.