2001 Jayco Kiwi 17A

We bought the 17A in 2006. After selling our 5th wheel a couple of years ago, my grandkids wanted to go camping. Camping to them meant ‘go out in grandpa’s RV’. So we started looking for another RV to replace the 5th wheel. We looked at Class Cs and pop-up trailers and then found the Kiwi. Its really small and easy to pull, with pop-out bunks on each end. Did I mention it was small? I feels more like tent camping than a full hard side trailer and adds a little sense of adventure. The grandkids love it, my wife on the other hand is still undecided. Did I mention it was small?
I added dual batteries, have a grey water storage system that goes in the back of my pickup and doubles the internal capacity. A small solar battery charger and carry a full refill of fresh water in the pickup also. So we can stay out about 4 days dry camping. Most places we go have some hookups so its fine then. But with its small size I can also get into some of the high country national park and forest service areas I could not get the 5er into. This will be our first ‘full’ summer so time will tell. I think its great, but in ‘iffy’ weather staying inside with a couple of energetic grandkids can get to feeling cramped. Did I mention its small?