1995 Alpenlite 5th Wheel

We owned this for over 5 years and it was a great RV. 31 feet long with 2 slide-outs, it had a lot of room. We originally got it to use after retirement, but landed a job in AZ and bought a house, so didn’t need a tow around winter home anymore. Alpenlite builds a great RV and this one was solid, very well appointed on the inside and very comfortable. It has 100 gal of water, 50 gal grey water and 50 gal black water holding. Dual batteries and all the holding meant we could dry camp for 4-5 days without anything and not even worry about showers or power. Pulled it with a Ford F250 diesel and that was a great truck combo for this trailer. Pulled it all over the western US, including a lot of mountains. I did add some stuff to the truck, especially an exhaust brake. I highly recommend this if you are running a diesel in the mountains.