Leonard Travis Cranford (CSA)

Leonard Travis Cranford
12th Regiment of Alabama Infantry

Civil War Service Record

L. T. (Trav) Cranford actually had two enlistment’s in the 12th Alabama. The first started in March 12, 1862. He enlisted at Coosa County, Alabama to serve 3 years and was paid a bounty of $50.00. It indicates he was born in Perry County, Alabama, in October of 1862 he was 22 years old, 5 feet 11 inches tall and his occupation was a farmer.

  • Yorktown Siege – April – May 1862

He entered the Chimborazo Hospital No 3, Richmond, VA on April 17, 1862 and was transferred to the C.S.A. General Hospital, Farmville, VA on May 22, 1862.

  • Williamsburg – May 5, 1862
  • Seven Pines – May 31-June 1, 1862
  • Gaines’ Mill – June 21, 1862
  • Malvern Hill – July 1, 1862
  • South Mountain – September 14, 1862
  • Antietam – September 14, 1862

He was discharged with a Certificate of Disability for Discharge on October 3, 1862. Discharge recorded viewed below. His condition was pulmonary hemorrhage following measles.

  • Fredericksburg – December 13, 1862

He enlisted again on February 15, 1863 at Adams Store, Alabama for the period of the War.

  • Chancellorsville – May 1-4, 1863
  • NOTE: During the march to Gettysburg, Gen Rodes Brigade, including the 12th Alabama, lead the vanguard. They pushed as far north as Carlisle Barracks. The northernmost point reached by the Confederate Army. They then turned back to join Gen Lee at Gettysburg.
  • Gettysburg – July 1-3, 1863
  • The Wilderness – May 5-6, 1864
  • Spotsylvania Court House – May 8-21, 1864
  • North Anna – May 23-26, 1864
  • Cold Harbor – June 1-3, 1864
  • Lynchburg Campaign – June 1864
  • Monocacy – July 9, 1864
  • Winchester – September 19, 1864 – wounded, left thigh
  • Fisher’s Hill – September 22, 1864
  • Cedar Creek – October 19, 1864
  • Petersburg Siege – December 1864 – April 1865

Wounded on April 2, 1865 at the Battle of Petersburg, VA. Admitted to the General Hospital, Howard’s Grove, Richmond, VA. There he was captured after the surrender at Appomatox and transferred via US Steamer Mary Powell to the Point Lookout, MD hospital. He is listed there on the Roll of Prisoner of War, May 12, 1865.

  • Appomotax Court House – April 9, 1865

On July 19, 1865 he took the Oath of Allegiance and was transferred to Jackson Hospital, Richmond, VA on July 21, 1865. He was discharged in September 1865.

I have views of various information from his service record below. Some of these are large graphics so be patient if you load them.

Confederate Service Record
Main Envelope
Roll of Prisoners of War Oath of Allegiance
Certificate of Disability Discharge

{ln:Cranford ‘ Biography of Leonard Travis Cranford}

Civil War Ancestors

There is no other legend quite like the Confederate fighting man. He reached the end of his haunted road long ago. He fought for a star-crossed cause and in the end he was beaten, but as he carried his slashed red battle flag into the dusky twilight of the Lost Cause he marched straight into a legend that will live as long as the American people care to remember anything about the American past.

–Bruce Canton

No symbol or reference in these pages to the old South or the War Between the States is meant to offend anyone. Nor is this site meant to be an examination for the causes and reasons for that war. Whatever motivated men from the South to fight was a product of their age and times. Most fought in defense of their families and homes because a Northern army had invaded what they considered to be their country. This is simply meant to be the historical record of those men. The uncommon bravery of men on both sides of that horrible conflict should not be forgotten, regardless of their motivation to fight.


Cranford, Leonard Travis

  • Co B, 12th Alabama Infantry, Rode’s Brigade (Battle’s Brigade), D.H. Hill’s Division (Rodes Division), Stonewall Jackson’s Corps (II Corps, Richard S. Ewell, Commanding),   Army of Northern Virginia, Gen Robert E. Lee, Commanding

  • Coosa County, AL, served 4 years, discharged once for illness, enlisted again and was wounded twice (Winchester and Petersburg), migrated to AR after war

Cranford, James A.

Finch, Francis M.

Logan, James

Logan, Isaac

Logan, John


Jackson, Hirum T

  • Co A, 10th Arkansas Infantry, Bowen’s Brigade, Hardee’s Corps, Army of Tennessee

  • Pearson, AR, wounded at Shiloh, furloughed, never returned

Jackson, B. F.

  • Co A, 10th Arkansas Infantry,, Bowen’s Brigade, Hardee’s Corps, Army of Tennessee

  • Pearson, AR, furloughed with brother Hirum, returned to Witt’s 10th AR Cavalry

Ward, H. L.

  • Floyd’s Arkansas Infantry

  • AR, In 1890 provided my grandfather Martin a plce to live after he left home at about 15 years old.

North Carolina

Martin, George W.

  • Co C, 38th Regiment of North Carolina Infantry, Pender’s Brigade (Scale’s Brigade). A.P. Hill’s Light Division (Wilcox Division), Stonewall Jackson’s Corps (III Corps, A.P. Hill, Commanding), Army of Northern Virginia, Gen Robert E. Lee, Commanding

  • Conscripted in Gaston County, NC.  Captured and released near the end of the war.

Kever, Jacob A

  • Co F, 37th NC Infantry, Branch’s Brigade (Lane’s Brigade), A.P. Hill’s Light Division (Wilcox Division), Stonewall Jackson’s Corps, (III Corps, A.P. Hill, Commanding), Army of Northern Virginia, Gen Robert E. Lee, Commanding

  • Alexander County, NC, migrated to AR after war

Norton, Sidney

Norton, William Alexander

  • Co G, 38th Regiment of North Carolina Infantry, Pender’s Brigade (Scale’s Brigade), A.P. Hill’s Light Division (Wilcox Division), Stonewall Jackson’s Corps (III Corps, A.P. Hill, Commanding), Army of Northern Virginia, Gen Robert E. Lee, Commanding

  • Enrolled in November 21, 1861 as Private. Promoted to Corporal April 18, 1862. Promoted to 3rd Sergeant September 13, 1862. Appears on the Roll of Honor December 20, 1862. Alexander County, NC, Wounded 5-5-1864 at Wilderness, VA, died of wounds 5-8-1864

Sharp, James F

  • Co G, 38th Regiment of North Carolina Infantry, Pender’s Brigade (Scale’s Brigade), A.P. Hill’s Light Division (Wilcox Division), Stonewall Jackson’s Corps (III Corps, A.P. Hill, Commanding), Army of Northern Virginia, Gen Robert E. Lee, Commanding

  • NC, migrated to AR after CW


Haile, George Washington

North Carolina Confederate Units

North Carolina Confederate Units

6th Regiment of North Carolina Cavalry

37th Regiment of North Carolina Infantry

38th Regiment of North Carolina Infantry

Sixth North Carolina Cavalry

65th North Carolina State Troops

How to Order a Copy of the Printed History

Organizational Structure

The 6th North Carolina Cavalry regiment was officially organized by the consolidation of the 5th and 7th North Carolina Cavalry Battalions on August 3, 1863 under terms of special order 183, paragraph 16, from the Confederate Adjutant and Inspector General's Office. An error in this order designated the unit the 66th North Carolina State Troops, and it was referred to as such until the error was noticed and corrected in late 1863 by Confederate officials, though it was properly numbered by the North Carolina Adjutant General. Another matter of confusion was that companies were not redesigned until early 1864, and for several months there were two company As, two company Bs, etc. The discussion of the individual units shows the previous designations of each company. Most companies have four clothing receipt rolls which fill in some details omitted in the muster rolls.

Field and Staff

No muster rolls for the field and staff of this regiment survive today. Regimental officers were:

  • George Nathaniel Folk – Colonel
  • Alfred Hunter Baird – Lieutenant Colonel
  • Thaddeus P. Siler – Major
  • J. J. Spann – Major
  • Martin B. Moore, Quartermaster

Company A

Company A, was formerly Company F, 7th North Carolina Cavalry Battalion, and has the distinction of being the only regular Confederate Army unit from Johnson County, Tennessee. Captain Barton Roby Brown recruited this company. Extant muster rolls cover the periods:

  • June 30 to August 31, 1863, lists 58 men, located at Loudon, Tennessee.
  • August 31 to December 31, 1863, lists 51 men, located at Camp Erwin, near Rutherfordton, North Carolina.
  • December 31, 1863 to May 1, 1864, lists 62 men, posted near Kinston, North Carolina.
  • April 30 to August 31, 1864, lists 81 men, stationed at Williamston, North Carolina.
  • An undated roster, apparently for September 1 to October 28, 1864, lists 74, stationed near Kinston, North Carolina.

Company B

This company, from Ashe County, North Carolina, was formerly Company D, 5th North Carolina Cavalry Battalion. Extant musters for this company while serving in the 6th cover the periods from:

  • April 30 to August 31, 1863, lists 96 men, stationed in "east Tennessee."
  • August 31 to December 31, 1863, lists 62 men, stationed at Rutherfordton, North Carolina.
  • December 31, 1863 to April 30, 1864, lists 87 men, located in "eastern North Carolina."
  • April 30 to August 31, 1864, lists 96 men, stationed at Kinston.
  • August 31 to October 31, 1864, lists 104 men, stationed near Kinston.

Company C

Company C, formerly Company D, 7th North Carolina Cavalry Battalion, was consolidated with the Artillery Company attached to the 7th Battalion. Extant musters for this company cover these periods:

  • November 1, 1862 to February 28, 1863, lists 90 men, located at Zollicoffer, Tennessee.
  • June 30 to August 31, 1863, lists 92 men, station not noted.
  • August 31 to December 31, 1863, lists 62 men, located at Rutherfordton, North Carolina.
  • December 31, 1863 to April 30, 1864, lists 82 men, stationed at Kinston, North Carolina.
  • April 30 to August 31, 1864, lists 73 men, stationed at Kinston.
  • August 31 to October 31, 1864, lists 69 men, stationed near Kinston, North Carolina.

Company D

Company D was formerly Company E, 7th North Carolina Cavalry Battalion. Extant musters for this company cover these periods:

  • November 1, 1862 to March 1, 1863, lists 96 men, located at Zollicoffer, Tennessee.
  • July 1 to August 31, 1863, lists 85 men, stationed at Loudon, Tennessee.
  • September 1 to December 31, 1863, lists 75 men, stationed at Rutherfordton, North Carolina.
  • December 31, 1863 to April 30, 1864, lists 74 men, stationed at Kinston, North Carolina.
  • April 30 to August 31, 1864, lists 64 men, posted near Kinston.
  • September 30 to October 31, 1864, lists 43 men, posted near Kinston, North Carolina.

Company E

Company E was formerly Company A, 7th North Carolina Cavalry Battalion. Extant musters for this company cover the following periods:

April 30 to August 31, 1863, lists 111 men, but the unit's station not recorded on the roll. September 1 to December 31, 1863, lists 90 men, but the location of the company was unrecorded. January 1 to April 30, 1864, lists 71 men, stationed near Kinston. April 30 to August 31, 1864, lists 71 men, stationed at Kinston. September 30 to October 31, 1864, lists 76 men, stationed near Kinston, North Carolina.

Company F

Company F was formerly Company B, 7th North Carolina Cavalry Battalion. This company was from Clay County on the Georgia border. Extant musters for this company while serving in the 6th cover the period.

  • January 1 to February 28, 1863, lists 100 men, located near Zollicoffer, Tennessee.
  • June 30 to August 31, 1863, lists 104 men, but the station was not recorded.
  • September 1 to December 31, 1863, lists 108 men, located at Rutherfordton, North Carolina.
  • December 31, 1863 to April 30, 1864, lists 54 men, stationed at Kinston, North Carolina.
  • April 30 to August 31, 1864, lists 62 men, located at Kinston.
  • September 30 to October 31, 1864, lists 59 men, stationed near Kinston, North Carolina.

Company G (1st Organization)

Company G was the artillery company attached to the 7th Cavalry Battalion. Extant musters for this company while serving in the 6th is for the period June 30, 1863 to December 31, 1863 and lists 43 men.

Company G (2nd Organization)

Company G, formerly Company C, 7th North Carolina Cavalry Battalion has extant musters roll which conver:

  • June 30 to August 31, 1863, lists 90 men stationed near Blountville, Tennessee.
  • August 31 to December 31, 1863, lists 56 men, stationed at Rutherfordton, North Carolina.
  • December 31, 1863 to April 30, 1864, lists 55 men, stationed near Kinston, North Carolina.
  • May 1 to August 31, 1864 and lists 31 men located near Kinston.
  • September 1, to October 31, 1864 and lists 35 men.

Company H

Company H was formerly Company C, 5th North Carolina Cavalry Battalion. Extant musters for this company cover these periods:

  • April 30 to August 31, 1863, lists 57 men stationed near Cumberland, Tennessee.
  • August 31 to December 31, 1863, lists 26 men, stationed at Erwin's Camp Ground, North Carolina.
  • December 31, 1863 to April 30, 1864, lists 29 men, posted at Shiloh Church North Carolina.
  • April 30 to August 31, 1864, lists 76 men, camped near Kinston.

Company I

Company I was formerly Company A, 5th North Carolina Cavalry Battalion. Extant musters for this company cover these periods:

  • April 30 to December 31, 1863, lists 88 men, but the location was not stated.
  • December 31, 1863 to April 30, 1864, lists 9 men, near Kinston.
  • April 30 to August 31, 1864, lists 17 men, stationed near Kinston.
  • June 31 to September 1, 1864, lists 30 men, stationed near Kinston, North Carolina.
  • August 31 to October 31, 1864, lists 16 men, stationed near Kinston, North Carolina.

Company K

Company K was formerly Company B, 5th North Carolina Cavalry Battalion. Extant musters for this company while serving in the 6th cover the period.

  • August 31 to December 31, 1863 and lists 11 men, but the location of the company was not stated on the roll.
  • December 31, 1863 to April 30, 1864 and lists 32 men, when stationed near Kinston, North Carolina.
  • April 30 to August 31, 1864 and lists 30 men, stationed near Kinston, North Carolina.
  • June 31 to September 1, 1864 and lists 69 men, stationed near Kinston, North Carolina.

Captain Martin V. Moore reported in his recollections of the 6th that the companies had the following strength's following the consolidations of the 5th and 7th North Carolina Cavalry Battalions.

Unit Men Officers Total
Co. A 89 4 93
Co. B 89 4 93
Co. C 27 2 29
Co. D 56 3 59
Co. E 68 3 71
Co. F 46 4 50
Co. G 50 3 53
Co. H 55 3 58
Co. I 13 1 14
Co. K N/A N/A N/A
Total 493 27 520

How to order a copy of a printed full history of this organization:

Contact the publisher: H. E. Howard, Inc., PO Box 4161, Lynchburg, VA 24502-0161. The price is $19.95 plus $2.50 postage and handling and 4 1/2 percent Virginia tax if you live in the Old Dominion.

The formal version of this book by Jeffrey C. Weaver, contains a narrative history of the 5th and 7th Battalions North Carolina Cavalry as well as the 6th Regiment North Carolina Cavalry. The book contains a narrative history of the operations of these units, photos of some of the men, maps, and a detailed roster of all the soldiers who served in the units. This book is the first of a proposed Confederate Regimental History Series.

Norman Sidney Sylvestor Norton

Company A, 6th Regiment of North Carolina Cavalry


37th North Carolina State Troops

A Brief History

The unit was enlisted at Jefferson, North Carolina, the county seat of Ashe County on Aug. 27, 1861. It was formed of residents of Ashe County and called “Ashe Beauregard Riflemen”. The unit was mustered into state service on Nov. 20, 1861, and was assigned to the 37th Regiment North Carolina Troops as Company A.

The 37th had a long and glorious battle campaign. In March of 1862 they fought at New Bern, North Carolina, and in May and June they were in Hanover Court House, Gaines' Mill and Fraziers’s Farm, Virginia. Summertime saw conflicts in Richmond, Second Manassas, Ox Hill and the Bloodiest day in American History at Sharpsburg, Maryland. The 37th was involved in major battles at Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and Petersburg to name a few. On April 9, 1865 the 37th was present and accounted for at Appomattox Court House, Virginia, For laying down of arms and surrender to Federal troops to end the war between the states.


Organization: Organized at High Point on November 20, 1861. Reorganized in April 1862. Surrendered at Appomattox Court House, Virginia, 11 April 9, 1865.

First Commander: Charles C. Lee (Colonel)
Field Officers:
John B. Ashcraft (Major, Lieutenant Colonel)
William M. Barbour (Lieutenant Colonel, Colonel)
Jackson L. Bost (Major)
Owen N. Brown (Major)
John G. Bryan (Major)
Charles N. Hickerson (Major, Lieutenant Colonel)
William G. Morris (Major, Lieutenant Colonel)
Rufus M. Rankin (Major) (doubtful)
William R. Rankin (Major)


District of the Pamlico, Department of North Carolina (November 1861 -March 1862)
Branch's Brigade, District of the Pamlico, Department of North Carolina (March 1862)
Branch's Brigade, Department of North Carolina (April-May 1862)
Branch's Brigade, Department of Northern Virginia (May 1862)
Branch's Brigade, A. P. Hill's Division, Department of Northern Virginia (May-June 1862)
Branch's Brigade, A. P. Hill's Division, Ist Corps, Army of Northern Virginia (June-July 1862)
Branch's-Lane's Brigade, A. P. Hill's Division, 2nd Corps, Army of Northern Virginia (July 1862-May 1863)
Lane's Brigade, Pender's-Wilcox's Division, 3rd Corps, Army of Northern Virginia (May 1863-April 1865)


New Bern (March 17, 1862)
Hanover Court House (May 27, 1862)
Slash Church (May 27, 1862)
Seven Days Battles (June 25-July 1, 1862)
Beaver Darn Creek ()une 26, 1862)
Gaines' Mill (June 27, 1862)
Frayser's Farm (June 30, 1862)
Malvern Hill (July 1, 1862)
Cedar Mountain (August 9, 1862)
2nd Bull Run (August 28-30, 1862)
Chantilly (September 1, 1862)
Harpers Ferry (September 1245, 1862)
Antietam (September 17, 1862)
Shcpherdstown Ford (September 20,1862)
Fredericksburg (December 1.3, 1862)
Chancellorsville (May 1-4, 1863)
Gettysburg (July 1-3, 1863)
Falling Waters (July 10, 1863)
Bristoe Campaign (October-November 1863)
Bristoe Station (October 14, 1863)
Mine Run Campaign (November-December 1863)
The Wilderness (May 5-6, 1864)
Spotsylvania Court House (May 8-21, 1864)
North Anna (May 22-26, 1864)
Cold Harbor (June 1-3, 1864)
Petersburg Siege (June 1864-April 1865)
Gravel Hill (July 28, 1864)
Fussell's Mill (August 16, 1864)
Reams' Station (August 25, 1864)
Squirrel Level Road (September 30, 1864)
Jones' Farm (September 30, 1864)
Pegram's Farm (October 1, 1864)
Hatcher's Run (February 5-7, 1865)
Petersburg Final Assault (April 2, 1865)
Battery Gregg (April 2, 1865)
Jetersvilie (April 5, 1865)
Farmville (April 7, 1865)
Appomattox Court House (April 9, 1865)

Further Reading: Alexander, John Brevard. Reminiscences of the Past Sixty Years.

Jacob A. Kever

Company A, 37th Regiment of North Carolina Infantry


38th North Carolina State Troops

A Brief History



Organized for 12 months at Camp Mangum, near Raleigh on January 17, 1862. Reorganized at Camp Mason, near Raleigh, on April 18, 1862. Surrendered at Appomattox Court House, Virginia, on April 9, 1865.

First Commander: William J. Hoke (Colonel)
Field Officers:
Lorenzo D. Andrews (Major)
Robert F. Armfield (Lieutenant Colonel)
John Ashford (Major, Lieutenant Colonel, Colonel)
Oliver H. Dockery (Lieutenant Colonel)
George W. Flowers (Major, Lieutenant Colonel)
Murdock M. McLauchlin (Major)
George W. Sharpe (Major)
John T. Wilson (Major)

Department of North Carolina (January-March 1862)
J. R. Anderson's Brigade, Department of North Carolina (March-June 1862)
Pender's Brigade, A. P. Hill's Division, Army of Northern Virginia (June 1862)
Pender's Brigade, A. P. Hill's Division, Ist Corps, Army of Northern Virginia (June-July 1862)
Pender's Brigade, A. P. Hill's Division, 2nd Corps, Army of Northern Virginia (July 1862-May 1863)
Scales' Brigade, Pender's-Wilcox's Division, 3rd Corps, Army of Northern Virginia (May 1863-April 1865)

Seven Days Battles (June 25-July 1, 1862)
Beaver Dam Creek (June 26, 1862)
Gaines' Mill (June 27, 1862)
Frayser's Farm (June 30, 1862)
Cedar Mountain (August 9, 1862)
2nd Bull Run (August 28-30, 1862)
Harpers' Ferry (September 12-15, 1862)
Antietam (not engaged) (September 17, 1862)
Shepherdstown Ford (September 20, 1862)
Fredericksburg (Decernber 13, 1862)
Chancellorsville (May 1-4, 1863)
Gettysburg (July 1-3, 1863)
Falling Waters (July 10, 1863)
Bristoe Campaign (October-November 1863)
Mine Run Campaign (Noveniber-Dcceniher 1863)
The Wilderness (May 5-6, 1864)
Spotsylvania Court House (May 8-21, 1864)
North Anna (May 22-26, 1864)
Cold Harbor (June 1-3, 1864)
Petersburg Siege (June 1864-April 1865)
Reams' Station (August 25, 1864)
Fort Harrison (September 29-30, 1864)
Jones' Farm (September 30, 1864)
Hatcher's Run (February 5-7, 1865)
Appommatox Court House (April 9, 1865)

George Washington Martin

Company C, 38th Regiment of North Carolina Infantry

  • Enlisted March 27, 1863, conscripted, Gaston County, NC, by Lt Dickey

  • April 1864 listed as "home on special furlough, expires May 1, 1864"

  • Sent to hospital on June 21, 1864

  • Listed as present for duty September 1864

  • Listed on a register of prisoners disposed of by the Provost Marshal General, Army of the Potomac, March 18, 1865. Listed as a rebel deserter. There are a couple of consecutive slips showing various transfers into Maryland.

  • March 24, 1865 listed as having taken the oath and transferred to Sullivan County, Md

  • Appears on a register of patients at C.S.A. General Hospital, Danville, Virginia. Something is wrong with his right leg and left knee, but the first word is illegible.

  • Note: It is probable he was captured as a straggler because of the leg and knee problem. It was common then to take an oath not to return to service unless a proper exchange was documented, then to be released to return home.

William Alexander Norton

Company G, 38th Regiment of North Carolina Infantry

  • Appears on a Company Muster-in and Descriptive Roll of Capt George W. Sharpe's Company (Rocky Face Rangers), 38th Regiment of North Carolina Infantry (State Troops), from Alexander County. He was born in Alexander County NC, was 21 years old, a farmer, 5 feet 8 inches tall. He enrolled for active service on November 21, 1861 and was mustered into service on December 31, 1861 at Camp Mangum by Capt G. W. Sharpe.

  • Promoted to corporal April 18, 1862.

  • Listed as absent sick July 1862

  • Promoted to 3rd Sergeant September 13, 1862

  • Appears on a list of prisoners paroled at Centreville, Va, October 9, 1862

  • Appears on a Roll of Honor for Co G, 38th NC

  • Note: I have a copy of his pay record. It shows that he was paid on November 2, 1863 for July 1 – October 31, $17 per month, $68 total pay and includes his signature.

  • Wounded May 5, 1864 at Battle of Wilderness, Va

  • Died of wounds May 8, 1864

James F. Sharpe

Company G, 38th Regiment of North Carolina Infantry

Logan Service

2nd Alabama Cavalry Regiment

Cavalry sabers

The Second Alabama Cavalry Regiment was organized at Montgomery on 1 May 1862. It proceeded to West Florida and operated there about ten months, engaging in several skirmishes. Ordered to north Mississippi, the regiment was placed with Gen'l Ruggles. It then lost 8 men in a skirmish at Mud Creek. It was then placed in Gen'l Ferguson's Brigade and operated in the Tennessee Valley, taking part in numerous skirmishes. The 2nd fought Union Grierson at Okalona with a loss of about 70 men killed and wounded; then it harassed Union Gen'l William T. Sherman on his march to and from Mississippi.

Joining Gen'l Wheeler, the 2nd performed hazarduous duty on the flank of the army in the Dalton-Atlanta campaign, losing a number of men in the battle on the 22nd of July at Atlanta. Having accompanied Gen'l John Bell Hood to Rome, the 2nd then fell on Sherman's rear and skirmished almost daily with some losses. The regiment tracked Sherman to Greensboro, NC, then escorted President Jefferson Davis to Georgia. At Forsyth, in that state, the regiment surrendered its arms, about 450 men.

Field and staff officers: Cols. Fountain W. Hunter (Montgomery; relieved); Richard Gordon Earle (Calhoun; KIA, Kingston, GA); John N. Carpenter (Greene); Lt. Cols. James Cunningham (Monroe; resigned); John P. West (Shelby; resigned); J. N. Carpenter (promoted); Josiah J. Pegues (Tuscaloosa; wounded, Nickajack); Majors Mathew R. Marks (Montgomery; relieved); J. N. Carpenter (promoted); J. J. Pegues (promoted); Richard W. Carter (Butler); and Adjutant James M. Bullock (Greene).

History: Harriet Fitts Ryan. "The letters of Harden Perkins Cochrane, 1862-1864," in Alabama Review, VII (1954), pp.277-294; VIII (1955), pp.55-70, 143-152, 219-228, and 277-290.

James Manuel Logan

Company G, 2d Regiment of Alabama Cavalry

  • Enlisted March 26, 1862 in Coosa County, Alabama by William P. Ashley. Supplied his own horse at a value of $200.
  • Captured and Paroled at Headquarters, Sixteenth Army Corps, Montgomery, Alabama, May 24, 1865.

46th Alabama Infantry Regiment

The 46th Alabama Infantry was organized at Loachapoka, Alabama, on 20 May 1862. It recruited men from the counties of Blount, Coosa, Henry, Macon, Montgomery, Pike, and Randolph. Shortly after, it was sent to East Tennessee and had casualties in the fight at Tazewell. The regiment was in the march into Kentucky, in Gen'l Carter L. Stevenson's Division, but it did no fighting. When the Army returned to Tennessee, the 46th was placed in Gen'l Thomas H. Taylor's Brigade with the 20th, 23rd, 30th, and 31st Alabama, under Gen'l Edward D. Tracy. In December, with all of Stevenson's Division, the regiment was sent to Mississippi. In the battle of Port Gibson, where its brigadier fell, the regiment suffered severely. A few days later, it was engaged at Baker's Creek (Champion's Hill), again with many casualties, and where half of the regiment was captured, including the field officers. The remainder were besieged in Vicksburg and were captured with the fortress. Losses there were 15 k and 45 w. Exchanged and then eorganized at Demopolis, AL, with Gen'l Edmund Pettus in command of the brigade, the 46th rejoined the Army of Tennessee. It lost considerably at Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge and made winter quarters at Dalton, GA, with an effective force of 367 men and 266 arms. It was engaged at Crow's Valley, with several casualties, and it was involved in almost constant fighting from Dalton to Atlanta. At Jonesboro, it suffered many casualties. Then, marching with Gen'l John Bell Hood into Tennessee, it was one of the three regiments that made the brilliant fight at Columbia, where its losses were considerable. The 46th lost several k and w at Nashville, and quite a number were captured. It was the rear guard on the retreat and was complimented by Gen'l Hood in special orders for its services then. Transferred to North Carolina, the 46th was engaged at Kinston and Bentonville, with severe loss in the latter. The regiment was consolidated with the 23rd and 31st Alabama regiments, 9 April 1865, at Smithfield, NC, with J. B. Bibb of Montgomery as colonel, (Col. Woods was transferred to the 19th Alabama), Osceola Kyle as lt. col, and J. T. Hester of Montgomery as major. The 46th, now designated the 23rd Alabama, was surrendered at Salisbury by Major George E. Brewer, who had commanded it for two years, with no more than 75 men. Field and staff officers: Col. Michael L. Woods (Montgomery; captured at Baker's Creek); Lt. Col. Osceola Kyle (Coosa; captured at Baker's Creek); Major James M. Handley (Randolph; captured at Baker's Creek); and Adjutants William S. Turner (Montbomery; resigned); Thomas Riggs (Dallas; KIA, Baker's Creek); Lt. House (Coosa; acting; KIA, Vicksburg); A. J. Brooks (Coosa; wounded, Kennesaw); Lt. George McFarland (acting; KIA, Jonesboro)

Francis M. Finch

Company C, 46th Regiment of Alabama Infantry

  • Elected as 4th Sergeant upon formation in Coosa County, Alabama

Hilliard's Legion

Hilliard's Legion was organized with three infantry, one artillery, and one cavalry battalion, consisting of about 3,000 men, at Montgomery, 25 June 1862. The 5th Cavalry Battalion transferred to the 10th Confederate Cavalry Regiment on 30 Dec 1862. The Legion was broken up and divided as the 59th and 60th Alabama Infantry Regiments, and the 23rd Sharpshooters Battalion, 25 November 1863. The first commander was Col. Henry Washington Hilliard (1808-1892, a North Carolina lawyer and Alabama legislator), and the field officers were: Cols. A. H. Bradford and Jack Thorington. Additional information can be found in Lewellyn Shaver / A History of the 60th Alabama Regiment, Gracie's Alabama Brigade.

2nd Battalion, Hilliard's Legion The 2nd Infantry Battalion was organized with six companies at Montgomery on 25 June 62. It was consolidated with the 4th Artillery Battalion and designated as the 59th Infantry Regiment at Charleston, TN, 25 Nov., '63. Its field officers were Col. Bolling Hall, jr., and Major William T. Stubblefield. The unit's assignments were as for the 1st Battalion except that for the period Dec. 62-March 63 the unit was assigned to Gracie's Brigade, Dept. of East Tennessee. The Battalion fought at Chicamauga (19-20 Sept., 63) and the Siege of Chattanooga (Sept.-Nov 63).

59th Alabama Infantry Regiment

The 59th Alabama Infantry Regiment was formed by the consolidation of the Second and Fourth Battalions of Hilliard's Legion. The Legion was organized at Montgomery, 25 June 1862, and consisted of five battalions , one of which was mounted, and being detached in a short time thereafter, became part of the Tenth Confederate Regiment. The Second Battalion, six companies, was commanded by Lt. Col. Bolling Hall of Autauga and Major W. Stubblefield of Coosa; the Fourth Battalion was commanded by major John D. McLennan of Barbour. The Legion proceeded to East Tennessee, nearly 3000 strong, under its commander, Col. Hilliard of Montgomery. Proceeding to Cumberland Gap, it was part of the force that besieged that position. In October, the Legion was a part of the force that occupied Kentucky, a fatiguing march. It passed the winter and summer following in East Tennessee, during which time Col. Jack Thorington of Montgomery (First Battalion) succeeded Col. Hillards, and in April 1863 it was attached to Gen'l Gracie's Brigade. The Legion was in the Battle of Chickamauga where it lost more than half its number; the flag of the Second Battalion, for example, had 81 bullet holes. Moving into East Tennessee, Col. Thorington having resigned, the Legion was divided into the 59th and 60th Alabama Regiments, and 23rd Battalion, at Charleston, 25 Nov 1863. The 59th was in the investment of Knoxville and the fights at Dandridge and Bean's Station, with some casualties, especially at the latter. In April 1864, the regiment reached Richmond and shortly after took part in the battle of Drewry's Bluff and the fight with Sheridan. From June until the March following, the 59th was in the trenches of Petersburg or in the numerous conflicts on the flank and rear of the army, losing a number at Hatcher's Run and White Oaks Road. As part of Gordon's Corps, Bushrod Johnston's Division, the regiment was engaged at Appomattox and there surrendered.

Field and Staff Officers: Col. Bolling Hall, jr. (Autauga; wounded, Chickamauga, Drewry's Bluff); Lt. Cols. John D. McLennan (Barbour; KIA, Drewry's Bluff); George W. Huguley (Chambers); Majors George W. Huguley (promoted); Lewis H. Crumpler (Coosa); and Adjutant Crenshaw Hall (Autauga; wounded, Drewry's Bluff)

Captains, and counties from which the companies came:

  • Randolph: John C. Hendrix (died in service); S. E. A. Reaves (wounded, Drewry's Bluff)
  • Autauga: John F. Wise (resigned); John E. Hall (wounded, Petersburg)
  • Tallapoosa: J. W. Dillard (died in service); John Porter
  • Pike: E. L. McIntyre (resigned); John C. Henley
  • Dale: W. H. Stuckey; W. J. Peacock
  • Coosa: Lewis H. Crumpler (promoted); W. R. Davie
  • Barbour: James Lang (wounded, twice)
  • Butler: J. R. Glasgow (resigned); Louis Harrell (resigned); H. H.. Rutledge (KIA, Drewry's Bluff); Zach Daniel (KIA, Hatcher's Run)
  • Butler: R. F. Manly (wounded, Drewry's Bluff, Hatcher's Run (and captured))
  • Coosa: W. D. Walden (KIA, Chickamauga); R. H. Gulledge

History: James Heath Barrow / Word from Camp Pollard, C.S.A. (West Point, GA : Davidson, 1978)

John Logan

2d Battalion, Hilliard's Legion

Company C, 59th Regiment of Alabama Infantry

  • Enlisted May 5, 1862, Rockford, Coosa County, Alabama, by Captain Stubblefield.

  • Appointed to 3rd Corporal June 1863

  • Wounded and sent to hospital on May 10, 1864. Sent to Chimborazo Hospital, Richmond, Va.

  • Furloughed from Chimborazo Hospital on Setember 2, 1864

  • Note: The remainder of these records were illegible.

James A. Cranford

2d Battalion, Hilliard's Legion

Company C, 59th Regiment of Alabama Infantry

  • Entered service with 2nd Battalion Hilliard's Legion (later 59th Alabama Infantry) in 1862

  • Died at the Division Hospital, Fair Ground #2, Atlanta, GA October 1863

63rd Alabama Infantry Regiment

The 63rd Alabama Infantry Regiment was organized at Fort Blakely in July 1864 with men who were nearly all conscripted from various parts of the state (excepting men in Co.'s "A" and "B" and the officers, who were mostly veterans) and who had been designated the 2nd Regiment of Reserves. The regiment remained in the defences of Mobile until ordered to Spanish Fort, three days before it was invested in March 1865. It was, with the 62nd Alabama, a part of Gen'l Thomas' brigade, and it lost several killed and wounded during the first six days' operations at Spanish Fort. Relieved and sent to Fort Blakely, the 63rd arrived there in time to endure the siege. After some loss, the regiment was captured with the fortress, 9 April 1865, about 300 in number. They were exchanged just prior to the surrender of the Department of Alabama, Mississippi and East Louisiana, 4 May 1865.

Field officers: Cols. Oland S. Rice (until reorganized); and Junius A. Law (Macon, captured at Blakeley); Lt. Cols. Junius A. Law (promoted); and John H. Echols (Macon, captured at Blakely); Majors John H. Echols (promoted); and I. W. Suttle (Coosa, captured at Spanish Fort).

Isaac Logan

63d Regiment of Alabama Infantry

  • Less than 17 years old when he entered service.

George Washington Haile

Civil War Service Record

George Washington "Jolly" Haile
Company A, 11th Regiment Tennessee Infantry

This company was known at various times as Captain White's Company, Company G and Company A, 11th Regiment Tennessee Infantry.

The 11th Regiment Tennessee Infantry was organized for State service June 1, 1861, transferred to the service of the Confederate States in August, 1861, and re-organized in March, 1863. It was temporarily consolidated with the 29th Regiment Tennessee Infantry and formed the 11th and 29th Regiment Tennessee Infantry (Consolidated) in latter part of 1864.

About April 9, 1865 the 11th, 12th, 13th, 29th, 47th, 50th, 51st, 53d, and 154th Regiments of Tennessee Infantry were consolidated and formed the 2d Consolidated Regiment Tennessee Infantry, which was paroled at Greensboro, N.C., May 2, 1865.

  • George Washington 'Jolly' Haile enlisted November 15, 1862 at Lenoir Station, Tennessee. He was from Humphrey's County and was enlisted by Lt Col Gordon for a period of two years.

  • He was reported as "Left sick at the battle of Murfreesboro", 31 December 1863.

  • Battle of Murfreesboro, {ln:battle reports}

  • Listed as Present and 19 years of age at Camp near Shelbyville, TN, May 6, 1863.

  • Battle of Chickamauga, {ln:battle reports}

  • Battle of Missionary Ridge

  • Listed as "Absent, missing since the battle of Missionary Ridge, November 25, 1863"

  • Appears on a Roll of Prisoners of War, captured by forces under Major General Thomas at the times and places opposite their respective names, forwarded to Capt S. E. Jones, Provost Marshal at Louisville, Ky, December 6, 1863.

  • Appears on a register of Prisoners of War, Department of the Cumberland. When Captured: November 25, 1863, Battle of Mission Ridge. Forwarded to Louisville, Ky, December 7, 1863 for exchange.

  • He was transferred to the Prisoner of War camp at Rock Island Barracks, Ill, arriving December 9, 1863.

  • He was transferred for exchange to Nashville, TN on March 6, 1865.

  • Listed as a 'deserter' on April 12, 1865.

  • Names appears as signature and sworn to before William H. Bracken, 1st Lieut and Asst. Provost Marshal General, Department of Cumberland, Nashville, Tenn on April 29, 1865.


Civil War – Chronology of Events

Chronology of Events

Underline type= Union victory. Bold type= Confederate victory.
Italic type= non-confrontational event or non-decisive battle.

The War Begins


January The South Secedes
When Abraham Lincoln, a known opponent of slavery, was elected president, the South Carolina legislature perceived a threat. Calling a state convention, the delegates voted to remove the state of South Carolina from the union known as the United States of America. The secession of South Carolina was followed by the secession of six more states — Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas — and the threat of secession by four more — Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina. These eleven states eventually formed the Confederate States of America.
February The South Creates a Government
At a convention in Montgomery, Alabama, the seven seceding states created the Confederate Constitution, a document similar to the United States Constitution, but with greater stress on the autonomy of each state. Jefferson Davis was named provisional president of the Confederacy until elections could be held.
February The South Seizes Federal Forts
When President Buchanan — Lincoln’s predecessor — refused to surrender southern federal forts to the seceding states, southern state troops seized them. At Fort Sumter, South Carolina troops repulsed a supply ship trying to reach federal forces based in the fort. The ship was forced to return to New York, its supplies undelivered.
April Attack on Fort Sumter
When President Lincoln planned to send supplies to Fort Sumter, he alerted the state in advance, in an attempt to avoid hostilities. South Carolina, however, feared a trick; the commander of the fort, Robert Anderson, was asked to surrender immediately. Anderson offered to surrender, but only after he had exhausted his supplies. His offer was rejected, and on April 12, the Civil War began with shots fired on the fort. Fort Sumter eventually was surrendered to South Carolina.
July First Battle of Bull Run
Public demand pushed General-in-Chief Winfield Scott to advance on the South before adequately training his untried troops. Scott ordered General Irvin McDowell to advance on Confederate troops stationed at Manassas Junction, Virginia. McDowell attacked on July 21, and was initially successful, but the introduction of Confederate reinforcements resulted in a Southern victory and a chaotic retreat toward Washington by federal troops.
July A Blockade of the South
To blockade the coast of the Confederacy effectively, the federal navy had to be improved. By July, the effort at improvement had made a difference and an effective blockade had begun. The South responded by building small, fast ships that could outmaneuver Union vessels.
November Port Royal, South Carolina
On November 7, 1861, Captain Samuel F. Dupont’s warships silenced Confederate guns in Fort Walker and Fort Beauregard. This victory enabled General Thomas W. Sherman’s troops to occupy first Port Royal and then all the famous Sea Islands of South Carolina, where Timothy H. O’Sullivan recorded them making themselves at home.


January Lincoln takes Action
On January 27, President Lincoln issued a war order authorizing the Union to launch a unified aggressive action against the Confederacy. General McClellan ignored the order.
March Battle of the “Monitor” and the “Merrimac”
In an attempt to reduce the North’s great naval advantage, Confederate engineers converted a scuttled Union frigate, the U.S.S. Merrimac, into an iron-sided vessel rechristened the C.S.S. Virginia. On March 9, in the first naval engagement between ironclad ships, the Monitor fought the Virginia to a draw, but not before the Virginia had sunk two wooden Union warships off Norfolk, Virginia.
April Battle of Shiloh
On April 6, Confederate forces attacked Union forces under General Ulysses S. Grant at Shiloh, Tennessee. By the end of the day, the federal troops were almost defeated. Yet, during the night, reinforcements arrived, and by the next morning the Union commanded the field. When Confederate forces retreated, the exhausted federal forces did not follow.
April Fort Pulaski
General Quincy A. Gillmore battered Fort Pulaski, the imposing masonry structure near the mouth of the Savannah River, into submission in less than two days
April New Orleans
Flag Officer David Farragut led an assault up the Mississippi River. By April 25, he was in command of New Orleans.
May to August The Peninsular Campaign.
In April, General McClellan’s troops left northern Virginia to begin the Peninsular Campaign. By May 4, they occupied Yorktown, Virginia. At Williamsburg, Confederate forces prevented McClellan from meeting the main part of the Confederate army, and McClellan halted his troops, awaiting reinforcements.
May “Stonewall” Jackson Defeats Union Forces.
Confederate General Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson, commanding forces in the Shenandoah Valley, attacked Union forces in late March, forcing them to retreat across the Potomac. As a result, Union troops were rushed to protect Washington, D.C.
May 31 The Battle of Seven Pines (Fair Oaks)
On May 31, the Confederate army attacked federal forces at Seven Pines, almost defeating them; last-minute reinforcements saved the Union from a serious defeat. Confederate commander Joseph E. Johnston was severely wounded, and command of the Army of Northern Virginia fell to Robert E. Lee
July The Seven Days Battles
Between June 26 and July 2, Union and Confederate forces fought a series of battles: Mechanicsville (June 26-27), Gaines’s Mill (June 27), Savage’s Station (June 29), Frayser’s Farm (June 30), and Malvern Hill (July 1). On July 2, the Confederates withdrew to Richmond, ending the Peninsular Campaign.
August The Second Battle of Bull Run
Union General John Pope suffered defeated at the Second Battle of Bull Run on August 29-30. General Fitz-John Porter was held responsible for the defeat because he had failed to commit his troops to battle quickly enough; he was forced out of the army by 1863.
September Harper’s Ferry
Union General McClellan defeated Confederate General Lee at South Mountain and Crampton’s Gap in September, but did not move quickly enough to save Harper’s Ferry, which fell to Confederate General Jackson on September 15, along with a great number of men and a large body of supplies.
September 17 Antietam
On September 17, Confederate forces under General Lee were caught by General McClellan near Sharpsburg, Maryland. This battle proved to be the bloodiest day of the war; 2,108 Union soldiers were killed and 9,549 wounded — 2,700 Confederates were killed and 9,029 wounded. The battle had no clear winner, but because General Lee withdrew to Virginia, McClellan was considered the victor. The battle convinced the British and French — who were contemplating official recognition of the Confederacy — to reserve action, and gave Lincoln the opportunity to announce his Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation (September 22), which would free all slaves in areas rebelling against the United States, effective January 1, 1863.
December The Battle of Fredericksburg.
General McClellan’s slow movements, combined with General Lee’s escape, and continued raiding by Confederate cavalry, dismayed many in the North. On November 7, Lincoln replaced McClellan with Major-General Ambrose E. Burnside. Burnside’s forces were defeated in a series of attacks against entrenched Confederate forces at Fredericksburg, Virginia, and Burnside was replaced with General Joseph Hooker.


January Emancipation Proclamation.
In an effort to placate the slave-holding border states, Lincoln resisted the demands of radical Republicans for complete abolition. Lincoln, aware of the public’s growing support of abolition, issued the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863, declaring that all slaves in areas still in rebellion were, in the eyes of the federal government, free.
May The Battle of Chancellorsville.
On April 27, Union General Hooker crossed the Rappahannock River to attack General Lee’s forces. Lee split his army, attacking a surprised Union army in three places and almost completely defeating them. Hooker withdrew across the Rappahannock River, giving the South a victory, but it was the Confederates’ most costly victory in terms of casualties.
May The Vicksburg Campaign.
Union General Grant won several victories around Vicksburg, Mississippi, the fortified city considered essential to the Union’s plans to regain control of the Mississippi River. On May 22, Grant began a siege of the city. After six weeks, Confederate General John Pemberton surrendered, giving up the city and 30,000 men. The capture of Port Hudson, Louisiana, shortly thereafter placed the entire Mississippi River in Union hands. The Confederacy was split in two.
May 9 Brandy Station, VA
U.S.A.- 500 Killed and Wounded C.S.A.- 700 Killed and Wounded
May 11 Middleton, VA
U.S.A.- Casualties Not Reported C.S.A.- 8 Killed, 42 Wounded
May 13 Winchester, VA
U.S.A.-3000 Killed and Wounded 15-C.S.A.- 850 Killed and Wounded
May 14 Martinsburg, VA
U.S.A.- 200 Missing or Captured C.S.A.- 1 Killed, 2 Wounded
May 16 Aldie, VA
U.S.A.- 24 Killed, 41 Wounded 89 Missing or Captured C.S.A.- 0 Killed, 100 Wounded
May 21 Upperville, VA
U.S.A.- 0 Killed, 94 Wounded C.S.A.- 20 Killed, 100 Wounded 60 Missing or Captured
May 25 Battle of Helena, Arkansas
June – July The Gettysburg Campaign
Confederate General Lee decided to take the war to the enemy. On June 13, he defeated Union forces at Winchester, Virginia, and continued north to Pennsylvania. General Hooker, who had been planning to attack Richmond, was instead forced to follow Lee. Hooker, never comfortable with his commander, General Halleck, resigned on June 28, and General George Meade replaced him as commander of the Army of the Potomac.

On July 1, a chance encounter between Union and Confederate forces began the Battle of Gettysburg. In the fighting that followed, Meade had greater numbers and better defensive positions. He won the battle, but failed to follow Lee as he retreated back to Virginia. Militarily, the Battle of Gettysburg was the high-water mark of the Confederacy; it is also significant because it ended Confederate hopes of formal recognition by foreign governments

September 19 The Battle of Chickamauga.
On September 19, Union and Confederate forces met on the Tennessee-Georgia border, near Chickamauga Creek. After the battle, Union forces retreated to Chattanooga, and the Confederacy maintained control of the battlefield.
November 23-25 The Battle of Chattanooga.
On November 23-25, Union forces pushed Confederate troops away from Chattanooga. The victory set the stage for General Sherman’s Atlanta Campaign.
November – December The Seige of Knoxville
The difficult strategic situation of the federal armies after Chickamauga enabled Bragg to detach a force under Longstreet to drive Burnside out of eastern Tennessee. Burnside sought refuge in Knoxville, which he successfully defended from Confederate assaults. These views, taken after Longstreet’s withdrawal on December 3, include one of Strawberry Plains, on his line of retreat. Here we have part of an army record: Barnard was photographer of the Chief Engineer’s Office, Military Division of the Mississippi, and his views were transmitted with the report of the chief engineer of Burnside’s army, April 11, 1864.


May Grant’s Wilderness Campaign.
General Grant, promoted to commander of the Union armies, planned to engage Lee’s forces in Virginia until they were destroyed. North and South met and fought in an inconclusive three-day battle in the Wilderness. Lee inflicted more casualties on the Union forces than his own army incurred, but unlike Grant, he had no replacements.
May The Battle of Spotsylvania.
General Grant continued to attack Lee. At Spotsylvania Court House, he fought for five days, vowing to fight all summer if necessary.
June The Battle of Cold Harbor.
Grant again attacked Confederate forces at Cold Harbor, losing over 7,000 men in twenty minutes. Although Lee suffered fewer casualties, his army never recovered from Grant’s continual attacks. This was Lee’s last clear victory of the war.
June The Siege of Petersburg.

Grant hoped to take Petersburg, below Richmond, and then approach the Confederate capital from the south. The attempt failed, resulting in a ten month siege and the loss of thousands of lives on both sides.

General Benjamin F. Butler’s command was in the vacinity of Petersburg as early as May 11, missing its opportunity to capture this vital railroad center; but the photographs are all from the later days when Butler was holding a fortified line on both sides of the James and extending nothward as far as the Market or River Road running into Richmond.

July Confederate Troops Approach Washington, D.C.
Confederate General Jubal Early led his forces into Maryland to relieve the pressure on Lee’s army. Early got within five miles of Washington, D.C., but on July 13, he was driven back to Virginia.
August General William T. Sherman’s Atlanta Campaign.
Union General Sherman departed Chattanooga, and was soon met by Confederate General Joseph Johnston. Skillful strategy enabled Johnston to hold off Sherman’s force — almost twice the size of Johnston’s. However, Johnston’s tactics caused his superiors to replace him with General John Bell Hood, who was soon defeated. Hood surrendered Atlanta, Georgia, on September 1; Sherman occupied the city the next day. The fall of Atlanta greatly boosted Northern morale.
November General William T. Sherman’s March to the Sea.
General Sherman continued his march through Georgia to the sea. In the course of the march, he cut himself off from his source of supplies, planning for his troops to live off the land. His men cut a path 300 miles in length and 60 miles wide as they passed through Georgia, destroying factories, bridges, railroads, and public buildings.
November Abraham Lincoln Is Re-Elected.
December 15-16 Hood before Nashville
Continuing his policy of taking the offensive at any cost, General John B. Hood brought his reduced army before the defenses of Nashville, where it was repulsed by General George H. Thomas on December 15-16, in the most complete victory of the war.


January The Fall of the Confederacy.
Transportation problems and successful blockades caused severe shortages of food and supplies in the South. Starving soldiers began to desert Lee’s forces, and although President Jefferson Davis approved the arming of slaves as a means of augmenting the shrinking army, the measure was never put into effect.
February Sherman Marches through North and South Carolina.
Union General Sherman moved from Georgia through South Carolina, destroying almost everything in his path.
April – June Fallen Richmond.
On March 25, General Lee attacked General Grant’s forces near Petersburg, but was defeated — attacking and losing again on April 1. On April 2, Lee evacuated Richmond, the Confederate capital, and headed west to join with other forces.
April 9 Surrender at Appomattox Courthouse.
General Lee’s troops were soon surrounded, and on April 7, Grant called upon Lee to surrender. On April 9, the two commanders met at Appomattox Courthouse, and agreed on the terms of surrender. Lee’s men were sent home on parole — soldiers with their horses, and officers with their side arms. All other equipment was surrendered.
April 14 The Assassination of President Lincoln.
On April 14, as President Lincoln was watching a performance of “Our American Cousin” at Ford’s Theater in Washington, D.C., he was shot by John Wilkes Booth, an actor from Maryland obsessed with avenging the Confederate defeat. Lincoln died the next morning. Booth escaped to Virginia. Eleven days later, cornered in a burning barn, Booth was fatally shot by a Union soldier. Nine other people were involved in the assassination; four were hanged, four imprisoned, and one acquitted.

Battle Reports

11th Regiment Tennessee Infantry

Murfreesborough | Chickamauga

DECEMBER 26, 1862-JANUARY 5, 1863.–The Stone’s River or Murfreesborough, Tenn., Campaign.
No. 292.–Report of Lieut. Col. William Thedford, Eleventh Tennessee Infantry. 1863.

On Wednesday, at daylight,, the Eleventh Tennessee Regiment, Col. G. W. Gordon commanding, was drawn up in line of battle on the left of General Rains’ brigade and of McCown’s division. We remained in this position with the Twenty-ninth North Carolina Regiment on the extreme left, when we were ordered to charge the enemy, stationed some 800 yards in advance. The charge was led by General Rains in person, and resulted in a complete rout of the enemy, who were pursued for some 3 miles. A halt was then ordered and the command reformed. After a short rest we were again ordered to advance in line until we encountered a large force of the enemy. A charge was immediately ordered, which was obeyed with alacrity, until the advance was checked by the enemy’s battery, which rained shot and shell into our ranks. Here General Rains advanced to the front and was immediately killed. Colonel Gordon was severely wounded while gallantly leading his regiment, and the command devolved upon myself. The enemy opposed our advance with obstinacy, and being strongly re-enforced, and our ammunition failing, we retired to the rear. Collecting the scattered of the regiment and procuring ammunition, we again advanced to the front, and were a third time ordered to charge the enemy. As before, the men obeyed with a shout, and drove the enemy before them until they gained a strong natural position. Here the ground was hotly contested until we were ordered to retire. Though constantly in line, the regiment was not again actively engaged. A large number of the regiment were engaged only in the first charge, in consequence of guarding the prisoners taken.


Lieutenant-Colonel, Comdg. Eleventh Regiment Tennessee Vols.

AUGUST 16-SEPTEMBER 22, 1863.–The Chickamauga Campaign.
No. 258.–Report of Col. George W. Gordon, Eleventh Tennessee Infantry.

September 30, 1863.

CAPTAIN: I have the honor to submit the following as my report of the part taken by the Eleventh Tennessee Regiment in the battle of Chickamauga:

This command engaged the enemy on Saturday, the 19th, about 12 m., and after a brisk and steady fire of about two hours’ duration, their ammunition being exhausted, they were relieved by another command and retired to the rear by order of Brig. Gen. Preston Smith. During the engagement the command sustained a loss of 8 killed and 44 wounded.

Subsequent to this engagement nothing of especial importance was performed by the command.

Respectfully, your obedient servant,

G. W. Gordon
Colonel, Comdg. Eleventh Tennessee Regiment.

Captain HARRIS,
Acting Assistant Adjutant-General.

AUGUST 16-SEPTEMBER 22, 1863.–The Chickamauga Campaign.
No. 262.–Report of Maj. William Green, Eleventh Tennessee Infantry, commanding Dawson’s Battalion Sharpshooters.

Near Chattanooga, September 30, 1863.

SIR: In obedience to circular order from brigade headquarters of this date, I beg leave to submit the following report of the part taken in the late engagement of Chickamauga River by my command:

On the morning of September 9, by an order from Brig. Gen. Preston Smith, two companies from the Eleventh Tennessee Infantry were detached from my command and ordered to report to Major Dawson, of the One hundred and fifty-fourth Senior Tennessee Regiment, and with three other companies–two from the Twelfth and Forty-seventh Tennessee Regiments (consolidated), and one from the One hundred and fifty -fourth Senior Tennessee Regiment, all of Brig. Gen. Preston Smith’s brigade–formed a battalion of sharpshooters, numbering 252 rifles, which was placed under command of Major Dawson and myself.

On the ‘morning of September 19, Brig. Gen. Preston Smith’s brigade was ordered in position to receive the advance of the enemy. The brigade was scarcely in position when my command was ordered to deploy in front of the position and advance to check the enemy. Had succeeded in deploying two companies, when the brigade moved forward to engage the enemy. My command was then assembled on the right of the brigade and moved forward in a line with the latter; succeeded in driving the enemy in our front some 600 yards. A part of the ground over which my command had to advance was an open space over timber recently fallen. Having exhausted my ammunition. I retired slowly and in good order with the brigade to the pos-tion first occupied. In this position I was ordered to support Turner s [Smith’s] battery, of Brigadier-General Maney’s brigade. The battery did good service in effectually checking the advance of the enemy in that direction, notwithstanding they (the enemy) were advancing in three lines. Here it was that the gallant Major Dawson was severely wounded in the groin and forced to leave the field. The command of the battalion then devolved upon myself, with Major Purl, of the Twelfth Tennessee Regiment, to assist me.

Late in the afternoon my command was again deployed in front of the brigade, and continued a brisk skirmish with the enemy until Brigadier-General Deshler’s command came up and passed over my line. I was then ordered by Brigadier-General Smith, whom I met leading his brigade to support Brigadier-General Deshler, to return and support Turner’s [Smith’s]battery until further orders.

I remained with the battery all night and until about 9 a.m. Sunday, the 20th instant, when I was ordered by Major-General Cheatham to rejoin my brigade. My command was not engaged during this day.

On Monday morning, the 21st instant, I was ordered by Col. A. J. Vaughan, commanding the brigade, to deploy my command in front of the brigade, which was then lying in line of battle parallel with the main road, the right resting near the enemy’s hospitals, and proceed in direction of Missionary Ridge until I discovered the enemy’s position. I did as ordered, and gained the top of Missionary Ridge at McFarland’s vineyard without opposition, capturing 5 prisoners.

Remained on Missionary Ridge until 3 p.m., when I received an order to rejoin my brigade. Marched very hard and reached the command at 9 o’clock. Encamped on Chickamauga River near Bird’s Mill.

Tuesday morning, the 22d instant, moved forward with the brigade and partipated in the engagement, in which we were successful in driving the enemy from Missionary Ridge.

A list of the casualties of my command has been reported by the respective regiments from which the companies were taken.

The loss of the battalion were 7 killed, 49 wounded, and 6 missing. Among the killed was Captain Koneke, of the One hundred and fifty-fourth Senior Tennessee Regiment, who was mortally wounded while gallantly leading his command, and died in half an hour.

Captain Cummings, of the Twelfth Tennessee Regiment, was seriously injured by a fall and forced to leave the field.

In conclusion, let me say that no men ever fought with more gallantry than the noble little band which I had the honor to command on the ever-memorable field of Chickamauga.


WILL. GREEN,  Maj. 11th Tenn. Regt., Comdg. Batt. S.S., Smith’s Brig.

[Capt. J. W. HARRIS,]
Acting Assistant Adjutant-General.

Battle of Antietam


14-17 September 1862

General Robert E. Lee, CSA, Commanding

(Maj. Gen. James Longstreet)

McLaws’ Division
(Maj. Gen. Lafayette McLaws)

Kershaw’s Brigade (Brig. Gen. Joseph B. Kershaw)
  • 2nd South Carolina (Col. John D. Kennedy) (Maj. Franklin Gaillard)
  • 3rd South Carolina (Col. James D. Nance)
  • 7th South Carolina (Col. D. Wyatt Aiken) (Capt. John S. Hard)
  • 8th South Carolina (Col. John W. Henagen) (Lieut. Col. A. J. Hoole)
Barksdale’s Brigade (Brig. Gen. William Barksdale)
  • 13th Mississippi (Lieut. Col. Kennon McElroy)
  • 17th Mississippi (Lieut. Col. John C. Fiser)
  • 18th Mississippi (Maj. J. C. Campbell) (Lieut. Col. William H. Luse)
  • 21st Mississippi (Capt. John Sims) (Col. Benjamin G. Humphreys)
Cobb’s Brigade (Brig. Gen. Howell Cobb) (Lieut. Col. C. C. Sanders) (Lieut. Col. William McCrae)
  • 16th Georgia (Lieut. Col. Henry P. Thomas)
  • 24th Georgia (Lieut. Col. C. C. Sanders) (Col. Robert McMillan)
  • 15th North Carolina (Lieut. Col. William McCrae)
  • Cobb’s (Georgia) Legion  (Lieut. Col. L. J. Glenn)
Semmes’ Brigade (Brig. Gen. Paul J. Semmes)
  • 10th Georgia (Maj. Willis C. Holt) (Capt. P. H. Loud)
  • 53rd Georgia (Lieut. Col. Thomas Sloan) (Capt. S. W. Marshborne)
  • 15th Virginia (Capt. E. W. Morrison) (Capt. Edward J. Willis)
  • 32nd Virginia (Col. E. B. Montague)
Artillery (Maj. S. P. Hamilton) (Col. Henry C. Cabell)
  • Manly’s (North Carolina) Battery (Capt. Basil C. Manly)
  • 1st Richmond Howitzers (Capt. E. S. McCarthy)
  • Troup (Georgia) Artillery Capt. H. H. Carlton)
  • Pulaski (Georgia) Artillery (Capt. John P. W. Read)
  • Richmond (Fayette) Artillery (Capt. M. C. Macon)

Anderson’s Division
(Maj. Gen. Richard H. Anderson)
(Brigadier Gen. Roger A. Pryor)

Wilcox’s Brigade  (Col. Alfred Cumming) (Maj. H. A. Herbert) (Capt. J. M. Crow)
  • 8th Alabama  (Maj. H. A. Herbert)
  • 9th Alabama  (Maj. J. H. J. Williams) (Capt. J. M. Crow) (Capt. A. C. Chisolm)
  • 10th Alabama  (Capt. G. C. Wheatly)
  • 11th Alabama  (Maj. John C. C. Sanders)
Featherston’s Brigade  (Col. Carnot Posey)
  • 12th Mississippi (Col. W. H. Taylor)
  • 16th Mississippi (Capt. A.M. Feltus)
  • 19th Mississippi (Col. N. W. Harris)
  • 2nd Mississippi Battalion (Maj. William S. Wilson)
Armistead’s Brigade (Brig. Gen. Lewis A. Armistead) (Col. James G. Hodges)
  • 9th Virginia (Capt. W. J. Richardson) (Capt. Joseph J. Phillips)
  • 14th Virginia (Col. James G. Hodges)
  • 38th Virginia (Col. Edward C. Edmonds)
  • 53rd Virginia (Capt. W. G. Pollard) (Capt. Harwood)
  • 57th Virginia (Col. David Dyer) (R)
Pryor’s Brigade (Brig. Gen. Roger A. Pryor) (Col. John C. Hately)
  • 14th Alabama (Maj. J. A. Broome)
  • 2nd Florida (Col. W. D. Ballantine) (Lieut. Geiger)
  • 5th Florida (Col. John C. Hately) (Lieut. Col. Thomas B. Lamar) (Maj. Benjamin F. Davis)
  • 8th Florida (Lieut. Col. George A. Coppens) (Capt. Richard A. Walker) (Capt. W. Baya)
  • 3rd Virginia (Col. Joseph Mayo) (Lieut. Col. A. D. Callcote)
Mahone’s Brigade (attached to Pryor’s Brigade) (Col. William A. Parham)
  • 6th Virginia (Capt. John R. Ludlow)
  • 12th Virginia (Capt. J. R. Llewellyn)
  • 16th Virginia (Maj. F. D. Holliday)
  • 41st Virginia (Col. William A. Parham) (R)
  • 61st Virginia (Lieut. Col. William F. Neimeyer) (R)
  • Wright’s Brigade (Brig. Gen. Ambrose R. Wright) (Col. Robert Jones) (Col. William Gibson)
  • 44th Alabama (Lieut. Col. Charles A. Derby) (Maj. W. F. Perry)
  • 3rd Georgia (Capt. R. B. Nisbit) (Capt. John T. Jones)
  • 22nd Georgia (Col. Robert Jones) (Lieut. Col. L. D. Ladderstedt)
  • 48th Georgia (Col. William Gibson)
Artillery (Capt. Cary F. Grimes) (Maj. John S. Saunders)
  • Donaldsonville (Louisiana) Artillery (Capt. Victor Maurin)
  • Norfolk (Virginia) Battery (Capt. Frank Huger)
  • Lynchburg (Virginia) Artillery (Capt. M. N. Moorman)
  • Grimes’ (Portsmouth) Battery (Capt. Cary F. Grimes)

Jones’s Division
(Brig. Gen. David R. Jones)

Toombs’ Brigade (Brig. Gen. Robert Toombs) (Col. Henry L. Benning)
  • 2nd Georgia (Lieut. Col. William R. Holmes) (Maj. Skidmore Harris) (Capt. A. McLewis)
  • 15th Georgia (Col. William T. Millican)
  • 17th Georgia (Capt. J. A. McGregor)
  • 20th Georgia (Col. John B. Cumming)
Drayton’s Brigade (Brig. Gen. Thomas F. Drayton)
  • 50th Georgia (Lieut. Col. F. Kearse)
  • 51st Georgia
  • 15th South Carolina (Col. William D. DeSaussure)
  • 3rd South Carolina Battalion (Maj. George S. James)
Pickett’s Brigade (Brig. Gen. Richard B. Garnett) 8th Virginia (Col. Eppa Hunton)
  • 18th Virginia (Maj. George C. Cabell)
  • 19th Virginia (Col. J. B. Strange) (Capt. John L. Cochran) (Lieut. William N. Wood)
  • 28th Virginia (Capt. W. L. Wingfield)
  • 56th Virginia (Col. William D. Stuart) (Capt. John B. McPhail)
Kemper’s Brigade (Brig. Gen. James L. Kemper)
  • 1st Virginia (Capt. George F. Newman) (Col. W. H. Palmer)
  • 7th Virginia (Maj. Arthur Herbert) (Capt. Philip S. Ashby)
  • 11th Virginia (Maj. Adam Clement)
  • 17th Virginia (Col. Montgomery D. Corse) (Maj. Arthur Herbert)
  • 24th Virginia (Col. W. R. Perry)
Jenkins’ Brigade (Col. Joseph Walker)
  • 1st South Carolina (Volunteers) (Lieut. Col. D. Livingston)
  • 2nd South Carolina Rifles (Lieut. Col. R. A. Thompson)
  • 4th South Carolina Battalion (Lieut. W. F. Field)
  • 5th South Carolina (Capt. T. C. Beckham)
  • 6th South Carolina (Lieut. Col. J. M. Steedman) (Capt. E. B. Canty)
  • Palmetto (South Carolina) Sharpshooters (Capt. A. H. Foster) (Capt. F. W. Kirkpatrick)
Anderson’s Brigade (Col. George T. Anderson)
  • 1st Georgia (Regulars) (Col. William J. Magill) (Capt. R. A. Wayne)
  • 7th Georgia (Col. G. H. Carmichael)
  • 8th Georgia (Col. John R. Towers)
  • 9th Georgia (Lieut. Col. John C. L. Munger)
  • 11th Georgia (Maj. F. H. Little) Artillery Wise (Virginia)
Artillery (Capt. J. S. Brown)

Walker’s Division
(Brig. Gen. John G. Walker)

Walker’s Brigade (Col. Van H. Manning) (Col. E. D. Hall)
  • 3rd Arkansas (Capt. John W. Reedy)
  • 27th North Carolina (Col. John R. Cooke)
  • 46th North Carolina (Col. E. D. Hall) (Lieut. Col. William A. Jenkins)
  • 48th North Carolina (Col. R. C. Hill)
  • 30th Virginia (Col. A. T. Harrison) (R)
  • French’s (Stafford) Battery (Capt. Thomas B. French)
 Ransom’s Brigade (Brig. Gen. Robert Ransom, Jr.)
  • 24th North Carolina (Lieut. Col. John L. Harris)
  • 25th North Carolina (Col. H. M. Rutledge)
  • 35th North Carolina (Col. M. W. Ransom)
  • 49th North Carolina (Lieut. Col. Lee M. McAfee)
Branch’s (Petersburg) Field Artillery (Capt. James R. Branch)

Hood’s Division
(Maj. Gen. John B. Hood)

Hood’s Brigade (Col. William T. Wofford)
  • 18th Georgia (Lieut. Col. Solon Z. Ruff)
  • 1st Texas (Lieut. Col. P. A. Work)
  • 4th Texas (Lieut. Col. B. F. Carter)
  • 5th Texas (Capt. Ike N. M. Turner)
  • Hampton (South Carolina) Legion (Lieut. Col. M. W. Ganz)
Law’s Brigade (Col. Evander M. Law)
  • 4th Alabama (Lieut. Col. O. K. McLemore) (Capt. L. H. Scruggs) (Capt. W. M. Robbins)
  • 2nd Mississippi (Col. J. M. Stone) (Lieut. Moody)
  • 11th Mississippi (Col. P. F. Liddell) (Lieut. Col. S. F. Butler) (Maj. T. S. Evans)
  • 6th North Carolina (Maj. Robert F. Webb)
Artillery (Maj. B. W. Frobel)
  • German (South Carolina) Artillery (Capt. W. K. Bachman)
  • Palmetto (South Carolina) Light Artillery (Capt. H. R. Garden)
  • Rowan (North Carolina) Artillery (Capt. James Reilly)
Evans’ (Independent) Brigade (Brig. Gen. Nathan G. Evans) (Col. P. F. Stevens)
  • 17th South Carolina (Col. F. W. McMaster)
  • 18th South Carolina (Col. W. H. Wallace)
  • 22nd South Carolina (Lieut. Col. Thomas C. Watkins) (Maj. M. Hilton)
  • 23rd South Carolina (Capt. S. A. Durham) (Lieut. E. R. White)
  • Holcombe (South Carolina) Legion (Col. P. F. Stevens)
  • Macbeth (South Carolina) Artillery (Capt. R. Boyce)

Corps Artillery

1st Battalion (Col. J. B. Walton)
  • Washington (Louisiana) Artillery
  • 1st Company (Capt. C. W. Squires)
  • 2nd Company (Capt. J. B. Richardson)
  • 3rd Company (Capt. M. B. Miller)
  • 4th Company (Capt. B. F. Eshleman)
2nd Battalion (Col. Stephen D. Lee)
  • Ashland (Virginia) Artillery (Capt. Pichegru Woolfolk, Jr.)
  • Bedford (Virginia) Artillery (Capt. Tyler C. Jordan)
  • Brooks (South Carolina) Artillery (Lieut. William Elliott)
  • Eubank’s (Virginia) Battery (Capt. J. L. Eubank) Madison
  • Light Artillery (Louisiana) (Capt. George V. Moody)
  • Parker’s (Richmond) Battery (Capt. William W. Parker)

(Maj. Gen. Thomas J. Jackson)

Ewell’s Division
(Brig. Gen. Alexander R. Lawton)
(Brig. Gen. Jubal A. Early)

Lawton’s Brigade (Col. Marcellus Douglas) (Maj. J. H. Lowe) (Col. John H. Lamar)
  • 13th Georgia (Capt. D. A. Kidd)
  • 26th Georgia (Col. Edmund N. Atkinson)
  • 31st Georgia (Lieut. Col. John T. Crowder) (Maj. J. H. Lowe)
  • 38th Georgia (Capt. W. H. Battey) (Capt. Peter Brennan) (Capt. John W. McCurdy)
  • 60th Georgia (Maj. W. B. Jones)
  • 61st Georgia (Col. John H. Lamar) (Maj. A. P. McRae) (Capt. Van Valkenberg)
Early’s Brigade (Brig. Gen. Jubal A. Early) (Col. William Smith)
  • 13th Virginia (Capt. F. V. Winston)
  • 25th Virginia (Capt. R. D. Lilley)
  • 31st Virginia (Col. John S. Hoffman) (R)
  • 44th Virginia (Capt. D. W. Anderson)
  • 49th Virginia (Col. William Smith) (Lieut. Col. J. C. Gibson)
  • 52nd Virginia (Col. M. G. Harman)
  • 58th Virginia (Col. Edmund Goode) (R)
Trimble’s Brigade (Col. James A. Walker)
  • 15th Alabama (Capt. I. B. Feagin)
  • 12th Georgia (Capt. James G. Rogers) (Capt. Carson)
  • 21st Georgia (Maj. Thomas C. Glover) (Capt. J. C. Nisbit)
  • 21st North Carolina (1st North Carolina Battalion, attached) (Capt. F. P. Miller)
 Hays’ Brigade (Brig. Gen. Harry T. Hays)
  • 5th Louisiana (Col. Henry Forno) 6th Louisiana (Col. H. B. Strong)
  • 7th Louisiana 8th Louisiana (Lieut. Col. Trevanion D. Lewis)
  • 14th Louisiana (Col. R. W. Jones) (R)
  • Louisiana Guard Artillery (Capt. Louis E. D’Aquin)
Artillery (Maj. A. R. Courtney)
  • Chesapeake (Maryland) Artillery (Capt. William D. Brown)
  • Courtney (Virginia) Artillery (Capt. J. W. Latimer)
  • Staunton (Virginia) Artillery (Balthis’ Battery) (Lieut. Asher W. Garber)
  • 1st Maryland Battery (Capt. William F. Dement)

A. P. Hill’s Light Division
(Maj. Gen. Ambrose P. Hill)

Branch’s Brigade (Brig. Gen. L. O’Brien Branch) (Col. James H. Lane)
  • 7th North Carolina (Col. E. G. Haywood)
  • 18th North Carolina (Col. Thomas J. Purdie)
  • 28th North Carolina (Col. James H. Lane) (Maj. W. J. Montgomery)
  • 33rd North Carolina (Lieut. Col. R. F. Hoke)
  • 37th North Carolina (Capt. W. G. Morris)
Gregg’s Brigade (Brig. Gen. Maxcy Gregg)
  • 1st South Carolina (Provisional Army) (Col. D. H. Hamilton) (Maj. E. McCrady, Jr.)
  • 1st South Carolina Rifles (Lieut. Col. James M. Perrin)
  • 12th South Carolina (Col. Dixon Barnes) (Lieut. Col. C. Jones) (Maj. W. H. McCorkle)
  • 13th South Carolina (Col. O. E. Edwards)
  • 14th South Carolina (Lieut. Col. W. D. Simpson)
Field’s Brigade (Col. J. M. Brockenbrough)
  • 40th Virginia (Lieut. Col. Fleet W. Cox)
  • 47th Virginia (Lieut. Col. John W. Lyell)
  • 55th Virginia (Maj. Charles N. Lawson)
  • 22nd Virginia Battalion (Maj. E. P. Tayloe)
Archer’s Brigade (Brig. Gen. James J. Archer) (Col. Peter Turney)
  • 5th Alabama Battalion (Capt. Charles M. Hooper) (Capt. T. W. Flynn)
  • 19th Georgia (Maj. James H. Neal) (Capt. F. M. Johnson)
  • 1st Tennessee (Provisional Army) (Col. Peter Turney)
  • 7th Tennessee (Maj. S. G. Shephard) (Lieut. G. A. Howard)
  • 14th Tennessee (Col. William McComb) (Lieut. Col. J. W. Lockert)
Pender’s Brigade (Brig. Gen. William D. Pender) (Col. R. H. Brewer)
  • 16th North Carolina (Lieut. Col. W. A. Stowe)
  • 22nd North Carolina (Maj. Christopher C. Cole)
  • 34th North Carolina (Lieut. Col. J. L. McDowell)
  • 38th North Carolina (Col. William J. Hoke) (R)
Thomas’s Brigade (not at Sharpsburg) (Col. Edward L. Thomas)
  • 14th Georgia (Col. R. W. Folsom)
  • 35th Georgia (Col. Edward L. Thomas) (R)
  • 45th Georgia (Maj. W. L. Grice)
  • 49th Georgia (Lieut. Col. S. M. Manning)
Artillery (Lieut. Col. R. Lindsay Walker)
  • Crenshaw (Virginia) Battery (Capt. William G Crenshaw)
  • Pee Dee (South Carolina) Artillery (Capt. D. G. McIntosh)
  • Purcell (Richmond) Artillery (Capt. W. J. Pegram)
  • Fredericksburg (Virginia) Artillery (Capt. Carter M.Braxton)
  • Letcher (Virginia) Artillery (Capt. Greenlee Davidson)

Jackson’s Division
(Brig. Gen. John R. Jones)
(Brig. Gen. William E. Starke)
(Col. Arnold J. Grigsby)

Winder’s Brigade (Col. Arnold J. Grigsby) (Lieut. Col. R. D. Gardner) (Maj. H. J. Williams)
  • 2nd Virginia (detained at Martinsburg) (Capt. R. T. Colston)
  • 4th Virginia (Lieut. Col. R. D. Gardner)
  • 5th Virginia (Maj. H. J. Williams) (Capt. E. L. Custis)
  • 27th Virginia (Capt. Frank C. Wilson)
  • 33rd Virginia (Col. Edwin G. Lee) (Capt. Jacob B. Golladay) (Lieut. David H. Walton)
Taliaferro’s Brigade (Col. E. T. H. Warren) (Col. James W. Jackson) (Col. James L. Sheffield)
  • 47th Alabama (Col. James W. Jackson)
  • 48th Alabama (Col. James L. Sheffield)
  • 10th Virginia (Col. Edward T. H. Warren) (R)
  • 23rd Virginia (Col. Alexander G. Taliaferro) (R)
  • 37th Virginia (Lieut. Col. John F. Terry)
Jones’s Brigade (Col. Bradley T. Johnson) (Capt. John E. Penn) (Capt. A. C. Page) (Capt. R. W. Withers)
  • 21st Virginia (Capt. A. C. Page)
  • 42nd Virginia (Capt. R. W. Withers) (Capt. D. W. Garrett)
  • 48th Virginia (Capt. John H. Candler)
  • 1st Virginia Battalion (Lieut. C. A. Davidson)
Starke’s Brigade (Brig. Gen. William E. Starke) (Col. Jesse M. Williams) (Col. Leroy A. Stafford) (Col. Edmund Pendleton)
  • 1st Louisiana (Volunteers) (Lieut. Col. M. Nolan) (Capt. W. E. Moore)
  • 2nd Louisiana (Col. Jesse M. Williams)
  • 9th Louisiana (Col. Leroy A. Stafford) (Lieut. Col. W. R. Peck)
  • 10th Louisiana (Capt. H. D. Monier)
  • 15th Louisiana (Col. Edmund Pendleton)
  • 1st Louisiana (Zouaves) Battalion (Lieut. Col. G. Coppens)
Artillery (Maj. L. M. Shumaker)
  • Alleghany (Virginia) Artillery (Capt. Joseph Carpenter)
  • Danville (Virginia) Artillery (Capt. George W. Wooding)
  • Lee (Virginia) Artillery (Capt. Charles I Raine)
  • Rockbridge (Virginia) Artillery (Capt. W. T. Poague)
  • Baltimore (Maryland) Artillery (Capt. J. B. Brockenbrough)
  • Hampden (Virginia) Artillery (Capt. William H. Caskie)

D. H. Hill’s Division
(Maj. Gen. Daniel H. Hill)

Ripley’s Brigade (Brig. Gen. Roswell S. Ripley) (Col. George Doles)
  • 4th Georgia (Col. George Doles) (Maj. Robert Smith) (Capt. W. H. Willis)
  • 44th Georgia (Capt. John C. Key)
  • 1st North Carolina (Lieut. Col. Hamilton A. Brown)
  • 3rd North Carolina (Col. William L. De Rosset) (Maj. S. D. Thruston)
Rodes’ Brigade (Brig. Gen. Robert E. Rodes)
  • 3rd Alabama (Col. Cullum A. Battle)
  • 5th Alabama (Maj. E. L. Hobson)
  • 6th Alabama (Col. John B. Gordon) (Lieut. Col. J. N. Lightfoot)
  • 12th Alabama (Col. B. B. Gayle) (Lieut. Col. S. B. Pickens) (Capt. Tucker) (Capt. Maroney) (Capt. A. Proskauer)
  • 26th Alabama (Col. E. A. O’Neal)
Garland’s Brigade (Brig. Gen. Samuel Garland, Jr.) (Col. D. K. McRae)
  • 5th North Carolina (Col. D. K. McRae) (Capt. Thomas N. Garrett)
  • 12th North Carolina (Capt. S. Snow)
  • 13th North Carolina (Lieut. Col. Thomas Ruffin, Jr.) (Capt. J. M. Hyman)
  • 20th North Carolina (Col. Alfred Iverson)
  • 23rd North Carolina (Col. Daniel H. Christie)
Anderson’s Brigade (Brig. Gen. George B. Anderson) (Col. C. C. Tew) (Col. R. T. Bennett)
  • 2nd North Carolina (Col. C. C. Tew) (Maj. John Howard) (Capt. George M. Roberts)
  • 4th North Carolina (Col. Bryan Grimes) (Capt. W. T. Marsh) (Capt. E. A. Osborne) (Capt. D. B. Latham)
  • 14th North Carolina (Col. R. T. Bennett) (Lieut. Col. William A. Johnston) (Maj. A. J. Griffith)
  • 30th North Carolina (Col. F. M. Parker) (Maj. William W. Sillers)
Colquitt’s Brigade (Col. Alfred. H. Colquitt)
  • 13th Alabama (Col. Birkett D. Fry) (Lieut. Col. W. H. Betts) (Maj. A. S. Reaves)
  • 6th Georgia (Lieut. Col. J. M. Newton) (Maj. P. Tracy) (Lieut. E. P. Burnett)
  • 23rd Georgia (Col. W. P. Barclay) (Lieut. Col. E. F. Best) (Maj. J. H. Huggins)
  • 27th Georgia (Col. Levi B. Smith) (Lieut. Col. C. T. Zachry) (Capt. W. H. Rentfro)
  • 28th Georgia (Maj. Tully Graybill) (Capt. N. J. Garrison) (Capt. R. A. Warthen) (Lieut. John W. Fuller)
Artillery (Maj. S. F. Pierson)
  • Jones’s (Virginia) Battery (Capt. William B. Jones)
  • King William (Virginia) Artillery (Capt. Thomas H. Carter)
  • Hardaway’s (Alabama) Battery (Capt. R. A. Hardaway) (Lieut. John W. Tullis)
  • Jeff. Davis (Alabama) Artillery (Capt. J. W. Bondurant)

Reserve Artillery
(Brig. Gen. William N. Pendleton)

Brown’s Battalion (1st Virginia Artillery) (Col. J. Thompson Brown)
  • Powhatan Artillery (Capt. Willis J. Dance)
  • Richmond Howitzers, 2nd Company (Capt. D. Watson)
  • Richmond Howitzers, 3rd Company (Capt. Benjamin H. Smith, Jr.)
  • Salem Artillery (Capt. A. Hupp)
  • Williamsburg Artillery (Capt. John A. Coke)
Cutts’ Battalion (Lieut. Col. A. S. Cutts)
  • Blackshear’s (Georgia) Battery (Capt. James Ap Blackshear)
  • Irwin (Georgia) Artillery (Capt. John Lane)
  • Patterson’s (Georgia) Battery (Capt. G. M. Patterson)
  • Ross’s (Georgia) Battery (Capt. H. M. Ross)
  • Lloyd’s (North Carolina) Battery (Capt. W. P. Lloyd)
Jones’s Battalion (Maj. Hilary P. Jones)
  • Turner’s (Virginia) Battery (Capt. W. H. Turner)
  • Orange (Virginia) Artillery (Capt. Jefferson Peyton)
  • Morris (Virginia) Artillery (Capt. R. C. M. Page)
  • Wimbish’s (Virginia) Battery (Capt. Abram Wimbish)
Nelson’s Battalion (Maj. William Nelson)
  • Amherst Artillery (Capt. T. J. Kirkpatrick)
  • Fluvanna Artillery (Capt. John J. Ancell)
  • Virginia Battery (Capt. Charles T. Huckstep)
  • Virginia Battery (Capt. Marmaduke Johnson)
  • Milledge’s (Georgia) Battery (Capt. John Milledge)
  • Magruder (Virginia) Artillery (Capt. T. H. Page, Jr.)
  • Cutshaw’s (Virginia) Battery (Capt. W. E. Cutshaw)
  • Dixie (Virginia) Artillery (Capt. G. B. Chapman)
  • Virginia Battery (Capt. W. H. Rice)

Cavalry Division
(Maj. Gen. James E. B. Stuart)

Hampton’s Brigade (Brig. Gen. Wade Hampton)
  • 10th Virginia (Col. J. Lucius Davis) (R)
  • 1st North Carolina (Col. L. S. Baker)
  • 2nd South Carolina (Col. M. C. Butler)
Cobb’s (Georgia) Legion (Lieut. Col. P. M. B. Young) (Maj. William G. Delony)
  • Jeff Davis (Mississippi) Legion (Lieut. Col. W. T. Martin)
  • Lee’s Brigade (Brig. Gen. Fitzhugh Lee)
  • 1st Virginia (Lieut. Col. L. T. O’Brien)
  • 3rd Virginia (Lieut. Col. John T. Thornton) (Capt. Thomas H. Owen)
  • 4th Virginia (Col. Williams C. Wickham)
  • 5th Virginia (Col. Thomas L. Rosser)
  • 9th Virginia (Col. W. H. F. Lee)
Robertson’s Brigade (Col. Thomas H. Munford)
  • 2nd Virginia (Col. Richard A. Burke) 6th Virginia (Col. Thomas S. Flournoy) (R)
  • 7th Virginia (Capt. S. B. Myers)
  • 12th Virginia (Col. A. W. Harman)
17th Virginia Battalion Horse Artillery (Capt. John Pelham)
  • Pelham’s (Virginia) Battery (Capt. John Pelham)
  • Chew’s (Virginia) Battery (Capt. R. P. Chew)
  • Hart’s (South Carolina) Battery (Capt. J. F. Hart)


  • Battles and leaders Official records Southern Historical Society Papers
  • Roster of the Confederate soldiers of Georgia, 1861-1865 Murfin, James V.
  • The gleam of bayonets Sears, Stephen H.
  • Landscape turned red
  • Notes: Names marked (R) have been obtained from Regimental Rosters as being in command during that period. Their presence at this battle has not been verified. Kerry Webb National Library of Australia k.webb@nla.gov.au 25 April, 1994

12th Alabama Infantry Regiment

12th Alabama Infantry Regiment

Seven Pines, Malvern Hill, Boonsboro, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancorsville, Gettysburg, The Wilderness, Petersburg, Appomattox

The Commanders

The 12th Alabama Regiment was organized at Richmond in July 1861, with members from Montgomery and Mobile, and Coffee, Coosa, De Kalb, Jackson, Macon, Morgan, and Pike counties. It was at once moved to the "Potomac front" and first brigaded under General Richard Ewell of Virginia, who was soon after succeeded by General Robert Rodes, of Tuscaloosa. The regiment was near Manassas during the fall and winter, and it moved to Yorktown in the spring, 1862. It was under fire there and suffered lightly at Williamsburg. At Seven Pines, the regiment was in the advance that opened the battle, and it stormed the redoubt held by General Silas Casey's division, carrying three lines of works by successive charges, and losing 70 killed and 141 wounded. It participated to some extent in the other battles before Richmond (1862), and mustered 120 men for duty after the battle of Malvern Hill. Still under Rodes, and in General Daniel H. Hill's Division, and brigaded with the 3rd, 5th, 6th, and 26th Alabama regiments (Rode's Brigade), the 12th was in the advance into Maryland (fall, 1862). It bore a conspicuous part at Boonsboro, and also at Sharpsburg (Antietam), losing in these battles 27 killed, 69 wounded, and 33 missing. Retiring into Virginia with the army, the regiment wintered (1862-1863) on the Rappahannock. It was under fire but not actively engaged at Fredericksburg, II Corps (LTG Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson), D. H. Hill's Division, 1st Brigade (BG Robert Rodes), 12th Alabama (COL Samuel Pickens); but it was in the resistless column of Rodes at Chancellorsville (spring, 1863), where Col. Edward O'Neal led the brigade, and where the 12th charged 3 lines of breastworks and was badly mutilated. It skirmished at Brandy Station, and again led the way over the Potomac. At Gettysburg, it was on the extreme left and pressed the enemy in confusion through the town, then supported General George Pickett's assault, and afterwards covered the rear II Army Corps (LTG Richard Ewell), Rode's Division (MG Robert Rodes), O'Neal's Brigade (COL Edward A. O'Neal), 12th Alabama (COL Samuel Pickens). After the army retired into Virginia, the 12th was engaged in several skirmishes — at Warrenton Springs, Turkey Run, etc. The winter (1864) was passed near Orange Court House, and the regiment, Gen. Cullen Battle now commanding the brigade, II Army Corps (LTG Richard S. Ewell), Rode's Division, Battle's Brigade (BG Cullen Battle), was hotly engaged at The Wilderness and Spotsylvania, and in the continuous skirmishing of Grant's advance movement to Cold Harbor. The 12th then again marched into Maryland when General Jubal Early threatened Washington. It participated at Winchester with very severe loss, and in the further operations of the corps in the Valley. On its return to Petersburg, it took part (now in General John Gordon's corps) in the struggles around that city, and surrendered at Appomattox in April, 1865. Of the original 1196, about 50 surrendered at Appomattox. And of the 321 recruits received, about 70 were there. Nearly 250 men died of wounds from battle; about 200 died of disease; and 202 were discharged. The battle-flag of the regiment was taken to Mobile after the war and is probably still there.

Field and staff officers: Cols. Robert T. Jones (Perry; KIA, Seven Pines); Bristor B. Gayle (Morgan; KIA, Boonsboro); Samuel B. Pickens (SC; wounded, Spotsylvania, Winchester); Lt. Cols. Theodore O'Hara (KY; transferred); B. B. Gayle (promoted); Samuel B. Pickens (wounded, Boonsboro; promoted); John C. Goodgame (Coosa); Majors E. D. Tracy (Madison; transferred); John C. Brown (Coffee; resigned); B. B. Gayle (promoted); Samuel B. Pickens (promoted); John C. Goodgame (promoted); Adolph Proskauer (Mobile; wounded, Chancellorsville, Spotsylvania); and Adjutants Samuel B. Pickens (promoted); Junius L. Walthall (Mobile; transferred); and L. Gayle (VA)

Captains, and counties from which the companies came:

  • Mobile: George Heuilly (until reorganization); Jule L'Etondal (died in service); T. H. Rogers (wounded, Winchester)
  • Coosa: Joseph H. Bradford (until reorganization); John C. Goodgame (promoted); Henry W. Cox (KIA, Chancellorsville); Patrick Thomas (KIA, Appomattox)
  • Mobile: Augustus Stykes (resigned); A. Proskauer (promoted); F. C. Fischer; E. Karcher
  • Coffee: John C. Brown (promoted); T. C. Horn (resigned); E. Tucker (KIA, Sharpsburg); Davis (KIA, Gettysburg); J. McCassells (KIA, The Wilderness)
  • DeKalb: W. Higgins (resigned); R. F. Patterson (resigned); W. L. Maroney (resigned); John Rogers (KIA, Spotsylvania); A. Majors (KIA, Snicker's Gap)
  • Macon: R. F. Ligon (until reorganization); Robert H. Keeling (KIA, Seven Pines); J. W. McNeeley (wounded, Chancellorsville; transferred); Robert E. Park (wounded, Gettysburg, Winchester, and captured)
  • Jackson: A. S. Bibb (until reorganization); P. D. Ross (wounded, Gettysburg)
  • Morgan: B. B. Gayle (promoted); C. A. Darwin (KIA, Seven Pines); A. E. Hewlett (wounded, Winchester, and captured)
  • Mobile: W. T. Walthall (transferred); John J. Nicholson (wounded, Seven Pines, The Wilderness)
  • Macon: W. H. C. Price (until reorganization); D. H. Garrison (KIA, Sharpsburg); Thomas Fitzgerald (KIA, Chancellorsville); E. H. Rowell

History: "Diary of Robert E. Park," in Southern Historical Society Papers, I (1876), pp.370-86, 430-437; II (1876), pp. 25-31, 78-85, 173-180, 232-239, 306-315; III (1877), pp. 43-46, 55-61, 127-127, 183-189, and 244-254. Robert Emory Park , "Rodes' Brigade at Seven Pines," in Land We Love (Charlotte, NC), vol. IV (1867/68), pp.389-391. Robert Emory Park / Sketch of the Twelfth Alabama Infantry of Battle's Brigade, Rodes' Division, Early's Corps, of the Army of Northern Virginia (Richmond: William Ellis Jones, printer, 1906). "War diary of Robert Emory Park, January 28th, 1863-January 27th, 1864," in Southern Historical Society Papers, vol. XXVI (1898), pp. 1-31.

The Commanders:

Rodes Alabama Brigade

Robert Emmett Rodes, born in Lynchburg, VA, on 29 March 1829. He graduated from Virginia Military Institute in 1848 and then served as an instructor until 1851 when he went to Alabama to begin a career as a civil engineer. He married and worked for the Northeast & Southwest Alabama Railroad as chief engineer, but just before the Civil War began, he accepted a professorship at VMI. Rodes was appointed Colonel in the 5th Alabama and fought at 1st Manassas after which he was commissioned Brigadier General, 21 October 1861. He, with his brigade, was part of Major General Daniel H. Hill's Division. During the Peninsular Campaign, Rodes' Brigade fought at Seven Pines (where Rodes was wounded), Gaines' Mill, and Malvern Hill and suffered 50% casualties. After Rodes' recovery, he led his brigade in rear guard action at South Mountain, MD; at Sharpsburg, his brigade helped hold the Confederate center at the "Bloody Lane" where Rodes was again wounded. Again, the brigade suffered severe losses, and it was not engaged at Fredericksburg. Fall and winter enlistments brought the ranks up once more, and Rodes was made division commander when Hill was sent to North Carolina. Rodes led Lieutenant General Stonewall Jackson's flank attack at Chancellorsville and won him a promotion to Major General. At Spotsylvania, Rodes led the brilliant counterattack at the "Mule Shoe", but four months later, 19 September 1864, at the third battle of Winchester, he was killed directing a counterattack that allowed Jubal Early's army to retreat safely.

Edward Asbury O'Neal, born 20 September 1818, in Madison County, Alabama Territory, he attended LaGrange College (graduated 1836) and began the practice of law in Florence, AL, in 1840. He was active in local politics and the secession movement. At the outbreak of war in 1861, he joined the 9th Alabama Infantry and elected major, then lieutenant colonel. In 1862, he received a commission as colonel of the 26th Alabama Regiment and fought in Virginia through 1863 (Peninsular, Sharpsburg, Chancellorsville, and Gettysburg campaigns). O'Neal took command of Rodes' Brigade when Rodes was promoted to division command. However, his performance did not qualify him for promotion. At Gettysburg, for example, he kept to his 26th Regiment and allowed the other brigade regiments to flounder. His brigadier's commission was delayed and General Robert E. Lee appointed Brigadier General Cullen A. Battle brigade commander, angering O'Neal enough that he requested a transfer. President Jefferson Davis canceled the promotion and sent O'Neal and his regiment to the Atlanta front. After the fall of that city, O'Neal was relieved, sent to duty with the Conscription Bureau in Alabama, and served out the war there. O'Neal resumed his legal and political activity during the Reconstruction period and was elected governor of Alabama in 1882 and 1884. After he retired to Florence, he died there, 7 November 1890.

Cullen Andrews Battle, born 1 June 1829, in Powelton, Georgia. Without formal military training, Battle was a capable combat officer who learned the art of war with his troops. He distinguished himself as first a regimental, then a brigade commander. Battle moved with his family to Eufaula and entered the state university to study law. He became an attorney in 1852 and was an ardent secessionist. He joined a local militia company and offered his services to Alabama immediately after the state seceded. He was commissioned lieutenant colonel in the 3rd Alabama Infantry Regiment and saw his first action at Seven Pines. He was then promoted to colonel and the regiment joined Rodes' Brigade where Battle continued to serve until war's end. At South Mountain, 14 September 1862, Battle faced 3 veteran Federal brigades while defending a barren hill north of the gap. In the onslaught, the 3rd Alabama broke, but Battle reacted with cool efficiency; likewise, at Antietam defending the "Bloody Lane," Battle and his men fought courageously. Rodes' Alabama Brigade, held in reserve, saw limited action at Fredericksburg, but at Chancellorsville, Battle participated in the division's surprise attack against the Union right flank. His performance at Gettysburg earned him promotion to brigadier general (on 25 August, dating from 20 August, 1863) and command of (now) Battle's Alabama Brigade. During the battles of 1864, the Alabamians suffered heavy casualties at The Wilderness, Spotsylvania, and in the Shenandoah Valley. In this last campaign, Battle led his brigade in a brilliant counterattack at 3rd Winchester before he was severely wounded at Cedar Creek (19 October 1864). The wound was incapacitating throughout the rest of the war. After the surrender, Battle resumed his law practice in Alabama. He was elected to Congress in 1868 but refused to take the "ironclad oath." He eventually moved to New Berne, North Carolina, where he edited a newspaper. He died in Greensborough, 8 April 1905.

6th North Carolina Cavalry Battalion

Sixth North Carolina Cavalry

65th North Carolina State Troops

How to Order a Copy of the Printed History

Organizational Structure

The 6th North Carolina Cavalry regiment was officially organized by the consolidation of the 5th and 7th North Carolina Cavalry Battalions on August 3, 1863 under terms of special order 183, paragraph 16, from the Confederate Adjutant and Inspector General's Office. An error in this order designated the unit the 66th North Carolina State Troops, and it was referred to as such until the error was noticed and corrected in late 1863 by Confederate officials, though it was properly numbered by the North Carolina Adjutant General. Another matter of confusion was that companies were not redesignated until early 1864, and for several months there were two company As, two company Bs, etc. The discussion of the individual units shows the previous designations of each company. Most companies have four clothing receipt rolls which fill in some details omitted in the muster rolls.

Field and Staff

No muster rolls for the field and staff of this regiment survive today. Regimental officers were:

  • George Nathaniel Folk – Colonel
  • Alfred Hunter Baird – Lieutenant Colonel
  • Thaddeus P. Siler – Major
  • J. J. Spann – Major
  • Martin B. Moore, Quartermaster

Company A

Company A, was formerly Company F, 7th North Carolina Cavalry Battalion, and has the distinction of being the only regular Confederate Army unit from Johnson County, Tennessee. Captain Barton Roby Brown recruited this company. Extant muster rolls cover the periods:

  • June 30 to August 31, 1863, lists 58 men, located at Loudon, Tennessee.
  • August 31 to December 31, 1863, lists 51 men, located at Camp Erwin, near Rutherfordton, North Carolina.
  • December 31, 1863 to May 1, 1864, lists 62 men, posted near Kinston, North Carolina.
  • April 30 to August 31, 1864, lists 81 men, stationed at Williamston, North Carolina.
  • An undated roster, apparently for September 1 to October 28, 1864, lists 74, stationed near Kinston, North Carolina.

Company B

This company, from Ashe County, North Carolina, was formerly Company D, 5th North Carolina Cavalry Battalion. Extant musters for this company while serving in the 6th cover the periods from:

  • April 30 to August 31, 1863, lists 96 men, stationed in "east Tennessee."
  • August 31 to December 31, 1863, lists 62 men, stationed at Rutherfordton, North Carolina.
  • December 31, 1863 to April 30, 1864, lists 87 men, located in "eastern North Carolina."
  • April 30 to August 31, 1864, lists 96 men, stationed at Kinston.
  • August 31 to October 31, 1864, lists 104 men, stationed near Kinston.

Company C

Company C, formerly Company D, 7th North Carolina Cavalry Battalion, was consolidated with the Artillery Company attached to the 7th Battalion. Extant musters for this company cover these periods:

  • November 1, 1862 to February 28, 1863, lists 90 men, located at Zollicoffer, Tennessee.
  • June 30 to August 31, 1863, lists 92 men, station not noted.
  • August 31 to December 31, 1863, lists 62 men, located at Rutherfordton, North Carolina.
  • December 31, 1863 to April 30, 1864, lists 82 men, stationed at Kinston, North Carolina.
  • April 30 to August 31, 1864, lists 73 men, stationed at Kinston.
  • August 31 to October 31, 1864, lists 69 men, stationed near Kinston, North Carolina.

Company D

Company D was formerly Company E, 7th North Carolina Cavalry Battalion. Extant musters for this company cover these periods:

  • November 1, 1862 to March 1, 1863, lists 96 men, located at Zollicoffer, Tennessee.
  • July 1 to August 31, 1863, lists 85 men, stationed at Loudon, Tennessee.
  • September 1 to December 31, 1863, lists 75 men, stationed at Rutherfordton, North Carolina.
  • December 31, 1863 to April 30, 1864, lists 74 men, stationed at Kinston, North Carolina.
  • April 30 to August 31, 1864, lists 64 men, posted near Kinston.
  • September 30 to October 31, 1864, lists 43 men, posted near Kinston, North Carolina.

Company E

Company E was formerly Company A, 7th North Carolina Cavalry Battalion. Extant musters for this company cover the following periods:

April 30 to August 31, 1863, lists 111 men, but the unit's station not recorded on the roll. September 1 to December 31, 1863, lists 90 men, but the location of the company was unrecorded. January 1 to April 30, 1864, lists 71 men, stationed near Kinston. April 30 to August 31, 1864, lists 71 men, stationed at Kinston. September 30 to October 31, 1864, lists 76 men, stationed near Kinston, North Carolina.

Company F

Company F was formerly Company B, 7th North Carolina Cavalry Battalion. This company was from Clay County on the Georgia border. Extant musters for this company while serving in the 6th cover the period.

  • January 1 to February 28, 1863, lists 100 men, located near Zollicoffer, Tennessee.
  • June 30 to August 31, 1863, lists 104 men, but the station was not recorded.
  • September 1 to December 31, 1863, lists 108 men, located at Rutherfordton, North Carolina.
  • December 31, 1863 to April 30, 1864, lists 54 men, stationed at Kinston, North Carolina.
  • April 30 to August 31, 1864, lists 62 men, located at Kinston.
  • September 30 to October 31, 1864, lists 59 men, stationed near Kinston, North Carolina.

Company G (1st Organization)

Company G was the artillery company attached to the 7th Cavalry Battalion. Extant musters for this company while serving in the 6th is for the period June 30, 1863 to December 31, 1863 and lists 43 men.

Company G (2nd Organization)

Company G, formerly Company C, 7th North Carolina Cavalry Battalion has extant musters roll which conver:

  • June 30 to August 31, 1863, lists 90 men stationed near Blountville, Tennessee.
  • August 31 to December 31, 1863, lists 56 men, stationed at Rutherfordton, North Carolina.
  • December 31, 1863 to April 30, 1864, lists 55 men, stationed near Kinston, North Carolina.
  • May 1 to August 31, 1864 and lists 31 men located near Kinston.
  • September 1, to October 31, 1864 and lists 35 men.

Company H

Company H was formerly Company C, 5th North Carolina Cavalry Battalion. Extant musters for this company cover these periods:

  • April 30 to August 31, 1863, lists 57 men stationed near Cumberland, Tennessee.
  • August 31 to December 31, 1863, lists 26 men, stationed at Erwin's Camp Ground, North Carolina.
  • December 31, 1863 to April 30, 1864, lists 29 men, posted at Shiloh Church North Carolina.
  • April 30 to August 31, 1864, lists 76 men, camped near Kinston.

Company I

Company I was formerly Company A, 5th North Carolina Cavalry Battalion. Extant musters for this company cover these periods:

  • April 30 to December 31, 1863, lists 88 men, but the location was not stated.
  • December 31, 1863 to April 30, 1864, lists 9 men, near Kinston.
  • April 30 to August 31, 1864, lists 17 men, stationed near Kinston.
  • June 31 to September 1, 1864, lists 30 men, stationed near Kinston, North Carolina.
  • August 31 to October 31, 1864, lists 16 men, stationed near Kinston, North Carolina.

Company K

Company K was formerly Company B, 5th North Carolina Cavalry Battalion. Extant musters for this company while serving in the 6th cover the period.

  • August 31 to December 31, 1863 and lists 11 men, but the location of the company was not stated on the roll.
  • December 31, 1863 to April 30, 1864 and lists 32 men, when stationed near Kinston, North Carolina.
  • April 30 to August 31, 1864 and lists 30 men, stationed near Kinston, North Carolina.
  • June 31 to September 1, 1864 and lists 69 men, stationed near Kinston, North Carolina.

Captain Martin V. Moore reported in his recollections of the 6th that the companies had the following strength's following the consolidations of the 5th and 7th North Carolina Cavalry Battalions.

Unit Men Officers Total
Co. A 89 4 93
Co. B 89 4 93
Co. C 27 2 29
Co. D 56 3 59
Co. E 68 3 71
Co. F 46 4 50
Co. G 50 3 53
Co. H 55 3 58
Co. I 13 1 14
Co. K N/A N/A N/A
Total 493 27 520

How to order a copy of a printed full history of this organization:

Contact the publisher: H. E. Howard, Inc., PO Box 4161, Lynchburg, VA 24502-0161. The price is $19.95 plus $2.50 postage and handling and 4 1/2 percent Virginia tax if you live in the Old Dominion.

The formal version of this book by Jeffrey C. Weaver, contains a narrative history of the 5th and 7th Battalions North Carolina Cavalry as well as the 6th Regiment North Carolina Cavalry. The book contains a narrative history of the operations of these units, photos of some of the men, maps, and a detailed roster of all the soldiers who served in the units. This book is the first of a proposed Confederate Regimental History Series.