I have recently updated much of the information in my database. I have posted various versions of the database on Ancestry.com. These are available to other researchers or family members o review. Southern Roots – this database contains ancestors and descendants that lived in Cleburne County AR or Coosa County AL. Many migrated to Cleburne…
Category: General Information
Select an information topic from the list below, then select an article to read.
Battles and Family History
The Capture of Charleston {ln:Camden}A stunning defeat for the Patroits, but it started the rise of General Greene {ln:The Battle of Kings Mountain} A pivotal battle in the south, Samuel Martin was a Captain of North Carolina Militia during this battle.{ln:KingsMountain 'Captain Samuel Martin at Kings Mountain } {ln:Cowpens}A Patroit victory and morale booster {ln:Guilford Courthouse}This batle,…
Migration of Our Ancestors
Ours is truly a diverse family. If America is the "melting pot" we are a great example. My father's family is of Scots-Irish ancestry, migrating to America prior to the Revolutionary War. Finally settling in North Carolina. There they married with descendants of Pennsylvania Dutch (Germans from the Palatine Region) and Native Americans (probably Cherokee). …
Coming to America
Click on USA or Europe for a larger view My ancestors were of basic European stock. Coming to this country from England, Scotland, Ireland, and Germany. Most arrived here prior to the Revolutionary War with the remainder coming soon after. They came for a multitude of reasons, some to escape persecution, others to escape the…
From what we read, there are basically two distinct groups of families. The older lines come from ancestors who were from Paris, and made it to England where the letter "h" was added as part of old english. The newer lines are derived as someone who came from a church or civil parish. Also,…
Our Family
Janet and I were born and raised in Heber Springs, Arkansas. We were high school sweethearts and married young. After high school, I joined the US Army and travelled all over the world. Upon my retirement from the military, we settled in Washington state and except for a 3 year span of living in Arizona have remained there.
During my military service I was an Aviation Warrant Officer and flew helicopters and fixed wing aircraft. I had tours of duty in Vietnam (2) Germany, Alaska, Hawaii, and many different places in the US. After retirement from the Army I turned my hobby (computers) into a paying job and have worked for the State of Washington and the State of Arizona managing various computer operations.
Civil War Veteran’s Research
Beginning Your Research
The three most valuable pieces of information when researching a Civil War ancestor are the soldier's name, whether he served for the Union or Confederate army, and the state from which the soldier served. By knowing these facts, other aspects of a soldier's record of service can often be determined. Usually, the piece of information that poses the most problems to find is the state from which the soldier served. Often, you will find that you have vague idea of the soldier's state of service, but you are not quite sure. The easiest way to confirm this is to contact the state archives in the state of possible service. They should be able to direct you to the muster rolls for their state if you go to the archives in person, or inform you of the procedure for requesting that information if you write or call. Remember to keep your requests simple, and offer only those details pertinent to your request. Be aware that names were often misspelled, so do not despair if you have a hard time finding your ancestor. Chances are he is listed under a name with a similar spelling.