I have recently updated much of the information in my database. I have posted various versions of the database on Ancestry.com. These are available to other researchers or family members o review. Southern Roots – this database contains ancestors and descendants that lived in Cleburne County AR or Coosa County AL. Many migrated to Cleburne…
Author: admin
Martin Surname
Martin is an extremely common name throughout the English-speaking world and, in its many variants form, throughout Europe, stemming from a diminutive of the Latin Martius, the god of war. its popularity is largely due to the widespread fame of the fourth-century saint, Martin of Tours. In Ireland, the surname may be of English,, Scottish or native Irish origin. The best-known Martins, powerful in west Galway and Galway city for centuries were of English extraction, having arrived with the Normans. They claim descent form Oliver Martin who fought in the Crusades.
Leonard Travis Cranford (CSA)
Leonard Travis Cranford 12th Regiment of Alabama Infantry Civil War Service Record L. T. (Trav) Cranford actually had two enlistment’s in the 12th Alabama. The first started in March 12, 1862. He enlisted at Coosa County, Alabama to serve 3 years and was paid a bounty of $50.00. It indicates he was born in Perry…
Civil War Ancestors
There is no other legend quite like the Confederate fighting man. He reached the end of his haunted road long ago. He fought for a star-crossed cause and in the end he was beaten, but as he carried his slashed red battle flag into the dusky twilight of the Lost Cause he marched straight into a legend that will live as long as the American people care to remember anything about the American past.
–Bruce Canton
No symbol or reference in these pages to the old South or the War Between the States is meant to offend anyone. Nor is this site meant to be an examination for the causes and reasons for that war. Whatever motivated men from the South to fight was a product of their age and times. Most fought in defense of their families and homes because a Northern army had invaded what they considered to be their country. This is simply meant to be the historical record of those men. The uncommon bravery of men on both sides of that horrible conflict should not be forgotten, regardless of their motivation to fight.
North Carolina Confederate Units
North Carolina Confederate Units 6th Regiment of North Carolina Cavalry 37th Regiment of North Carolina Infantry 38th Regiment of North Carolina Infantry Sixth North Carolina Cavalry 65th North Carolina State Troops How to Order a Copy of the Printed History Organizational Structure The 6th North Carolina Cavalry regiment was officially organized by the consolidation of…
Logan Service
2nd Alabama Cavalry Regiment The Second Alabama Cavalry Regiment was organized at Montgomery on 1 May 1862. It proceeded to West Florida and operated there about ten months, engaging in several skirmishes. Ordered to north Mississippi, the regiment was placed with Gen'l Ruggles. It then lost 8 men in a skirmish at Mud Creek. It…
George Washington Haile
Civil War Service Record George Washington "Jolly" HaileCompany A, 11th Regiment Tennessee Infantry This company was known at various times as Captain White's Company, Company G and Company A, 11th Regiment Tennessee Infantry. The 11th Regiment Tennessee Infantry was organized for State service June 1, 1861, transferred to the service of the Confederate States in…
Civil War – Chronology of Events
Chronology of Events Underline type= Union victory. Bold type= Confederate victory. Italic type= non-confrontational event or non-decisive battle. The War Begins 1861 January The South Secedes When Abraham Lincoln, a known opponent of slavery, was elected president, the South Carolina legislature perceived a threat. Calling a state convention, the delegates voted to remove the state…
Battle Reports
11th Regiment Tennessee Infantry Murfreesborough | Chickamauga DECEMBER 26, 1862-JANUARY 5, 1863.–The Stone’s River or Murfreesborough, Tenn., Campaign. No. 292.–Report of Lieut. Col. William Thedford, Eleventh Tennessee Infantry. 1863. On Wednesday, at daylight,, the Eleventh Tennessee Regiment, Col. G. W. Gordon commanding, was drawn up in line of battle on the left of General Rains’…
Battle of Antietam
BATTLES OF SHARPSBURG (ANTIETAM) AND SOUTH MOUNTAIN 14-17 September 1862 THE ARMY OF NORTHERN VIRGINIA General Robert E. Lee, CSA, Commanding LONGSTREET’S CORPS (Maj. Gen. James Longstreet) McLaws’ Division (Maj. Gen. Lafayette McLaws) Kershaw’s Brigade (Brig. Gen. Joseph B. Kershaw) 2nd South Carolina (Col. John D. Kennedy) (Maj. Franklin Gaillard) 3rd South Carolina (Col. James…