This is an older web site. The information is correct, but I am not undating this site any longer.  To see the latest information, visit Grandpa’s Grumblings

I consider myself a family historian rather than a genealogy researcher. I am intrigued by the historical migration of my ancestors from the British Isles and Europe to the southern United States and then across this great country to the west and northwest. I have concnetrated here on family stories, the historical events surrounding my ancestors, and where known, their participation in thiose historical events.

Much of what is written here is nothing more that an oral history put onto paper. I am grateful to my cousin Cleta Stuart-Porterfield for having the foresight and determination to pull together most of this information and published it as the Martin Family Stories. I have noted any additions or deletions to her original work so as not to detract from its quality. Each story has links to the people referenced and to other genealogy related web sites.

The site contains a lot of information in three subject areas: Family History, Genealogy, and Military History/Genealogy. I distinguish between Family History and Genealogy in the following: Family History is the research of historical circumstances surrounding family events, while Genealogy is the research and documentation of family lineage.

Please have fun and enjoy the site. If you find something of interest, let me know. If you have suggestions, please leave them on the Comments site. If you are a cousin, let me know. Since establishment, I have been able to make contact with about 25 ‘cousins’ and we continue to share our research information with each other.

I started the site in January 1996, with the hopes of establishing a gathering place for Martin’s searching for other Martin’s. Since that time, through the contacts established by this site and others, I have significantly increased my knowledge of my family’s history and lineage. I now am focusing on the lineage of my grandchildren, combining information about my ancestors, along with assisting the spouses of my children in researching their history and lineage. Hopefully, some information here will assist you in your search. The Internet is a wonderful place for gathering family information. My research has been greatly enhanced and quickened by those visiting this site and making a link to the surnames listed here.

Ours is truly a diverse family. If America is the “melting pot” we are a great example. My father’s family is of Scots-Irish ancestry, migrating to America prior to the Revolutionary War. Finally settling in North Carolina. There they married with descendants of Pennsylvania Dutch (Germans from the Palatine Region) and Native Americans (probably Cherokee). My mother’s family comes from England and Ireland, emigrating to America (Virginia) prior to the Revolutionary War, and then migrating to Tennessee and eventually Arkansas. My Parish line is also rumored to have some Cherokee blood in it. My great grandmother Rebecca Parish was thought to be one quarter Cherokee. My wife’s family is from England, even including some links to English royalty. Emigrating to Virginia prior to the Revolutionary War, then on to Tennessee and finally Arkansas, after the Civil War. My children have married persons of African-American, Hispanic, and Vietnamese ancestry. As you can see our family is truly diverse.

This site was developed by the our family as a tool for genealogy researchers investigating the following surnames, especially those from the same descendant lines as ours.


Family History

  • Martin – information about our Martin Ancestors
    • Samuel – information about Captain Samuel Martin
    • Hubert – information about Hubert Munsey Martin
    • Maud – information about Maud Uland Cranford Martin
    • Cranford – information about Leonard Travis and Joesphine Phillips Cranford
    • Kever – information about the Kever ancestors
    • North Carolina – information about the North Carolina ancestors
    • Correll – information about the Correll ancestors
    • Parish – informatin about the Parish ancestors
    • Phillips – information about the Phillips ancestors
  • Haile – information on our Haile ancestors
    • Logan – information about the Logan ancestors
    • Royalty – information about Janet’s connection to British Royalty