Military Career

Military Service Record

Tommy H. Martin

CW4 (Retired), US Army

Awards and Decorations


Army Senior Aviator Wings

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Top:  Legion of Merit, Distingusihed Flying Cross, Purple Heart (2), Meritorious Service Medal (2), Air Medal (42), Air Medal with "V" Device (9), Army Commendation Medal (2)

Bottom: Army Achievement Medal, Army Good Conduct Medal, National Defense Service Ribbon, Vietnam Service Ribbon with 4 Campaign Stars, Armed Forces Reserve Medal, Repulic of Vietnam Cross of Gallantry, Repulic of Vietnam Campaign Medal

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Presidential Unit Citation, Meritorious Unit Citation, Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry (Unit Award)


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1965, June – August, Basic Training, Fort Polk, La,
 promoted to Private E-2.
Awarded National Defense Medal

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1965, September – May 1966, Headquarters and B Battery, 4th Missile Battalion, 7th Artillery, Air Defense, Bergstrom AFB, Austin, Tx, Company Clerk, promoted to Private First Class

1966, May – August, Headquarters 7th Army Air Defense Command (ARADCOM), Olathe Naval Air Station, Olathe, Ks, Housing Clerk, promoted to Specialist Four

1966, August – January 1967, Warrant Officer Rotary Wing Aviation School (Primary), Class 67-5, Fort Wolters, Mineral Wells, Tx, Warrant Office Candidate.   Melissa Kay Martin was born December 28, 1966.

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fltschool.jpg (5768 bytes) 1967, January – June, Warrant Officer Rotary Wing Aviation School Advanced), Class 67-7, Fort Rucker, Daleville, Al, Warrant Officer Candidate, graduated June 1967, promoted to Warrant Officer One (WO1) w1.gif (2067 bytes)
1967, July – May 1968, 187th Assault Helicopter Company, Tay Ninh, Repulic of Vietnam (RVN).  Combat assault helicopter pilot flying UH-1D model "Huey" helicopters.  1178 hours of combat flying time, awarded DFC, PH (2), AM (36), AM with "V" (9). 187ahc-crusaders.gif (3947 bytes)
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1968, May – October, Brooke Army Medical Center, Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Tx, patient treated for wounds received from hostile action in Vietnam, promoted to Chief Warrant Officer Two (CW2). w2.gif (1898 bytes)
1968, October – December 1969, Training and Counselling (TAC) Officer, 4th Warrant Officer Candidate (WOC) Company, Fort Wolters, Mineral Wells, Tx.   Tommy Douglas Martin was born March 28, 1969.


1969, December – June 1970, attending schools enroute to Vietnam.   Aviation Maintenance Officer Course, Fort Eustis, Va (Honor Roll) and CH-47 Helicopter Transition Course, Fort Rucker, Al

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1970, June – April 1971, 180th Assault Support Helicopter Company (Medium), Tuy Hoa, RVN.  CH-47 Aviation Maintenance Officer and Test Pilot, 360 combat hours flying time.  OH-58 Transiton.

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1971, May – January 1972, Warrant Officer Intermediate Course, Fort Rucker, Al (Distinguished Graduate), student.  January – May, Fixed Wing Qualification Course, Fort Stewart, Hinesville, Ga, student (Commandant's List)

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1972 – 1974, Warrant Officer Career Course, Fort Rucker, Daleville, Al, Instructor of military science subjects, promoted to Chief Warrant Officer Three (CW3).  Awarded Meritorious Service Medal.  Allison Haile Martin was born November 2, 1973. w3.gif (1783 bytes)
1974 – 1977, 242nd Assault Support Helicopter Company (Medium), Fort Wainwright, Fairbanks, Ak.  CH-47 Aviation Maintenance Officer, awarded Army Aviation Broken Wing Award for landing a CH-47 with dual engine failure without damage to aircraft or crew.  120th Assault Helicopter Company, Fort Richardson, Anchorage, Ak, UH-1H Aviation Maintenance Officer. Placed on indefinite flight suspension due to high blood pressure.  Justin Parish was born February 18, 1975.


cw4.jpg (11293 bytes) 1977 – 1980, Company F, 724th Maintenance Battalion, 24th Infantry Division, Fort Stewart, Savannah, Ga.  Aviation Maintenance Officer in a Direct Support Aviation Maintenance Company. Finished BA degree, promoted to Chief Warrant Officer Four (CW4).  Awarded Meritorious Service Medal. w4.gif (1668 bytes)
1980 – 1983, 205th Medium Lift Helicopter Company (CH-47), Mainz-Finthen, West Germany.  Janet was awarded Volunteer of the Year and we represented Mainz-Finthen Military Community at the first Army Family Symposium in Washington DC.  Completed Masters degree. 205thashb.gif (4766 bytes)
1983 – 1986, Company E, 725th Maintenance Battalion, 25th Infantry Division, Schofield Barracks, Hi.  Aviation Maintenance Officer.  Battalion and Division Aviation Maintenance Officer staff positions.  Awarded Meritorious Service Medal. 25inf-small.gif (5328 bytes)
retire.jpg (7717 bytes) 1986 – 1991, 9th Cavalry Brigade, 9th Infantry Division, Fort Lewis, Wa.  Brigade Aviation Maintenance Officer, selected for the first Master Warrant Office list and school.  Awarded the Legion of Merit, retired from active duty. 9inf-small.gif (7480 bytes)