The children of Jacob and Mary Ann Correll Kever at a Kever Family Reunion in North Carolina about 1900.
Front row; left to right; Ellena Kever Lackey, Emmaline Kever Prichard, Catherine Kever Payne, Adeline Kever Warren, Miranda Kever Martin, Exemina Kever Sharpe.
Artimus Kever, son John,
grandson Arthur and great grandson Emerson,
about 1916.
Left to right; John and Donia Southerland Kever, Artimus Kever (John’s father), Arthur (John’s son), Elvin and Nettie Holland Kever. Nettie was raised by John and Donia Kever and Elvin was John’s nephew.
Jacob Kever (1792-1880) Buried at Oak Grove Cemetery.
Exemina "Exie" Kever Sharpe
1836 – 1929
Exie Kever Sharpe was the ninth of ten children of Jacob and Mary Ann Correll Kever. She was born in North Carolina July 23; 1836. After the death of her husband, Frank Sharpe, she and their children moved to Wolf Bayou, Arkansas. Her widowed father, Jacob Kever, was living with his son Jacob Artimus who had moved here in 1870. One of Exie’s daughters, Amanville, had married John Barker and had taken up land in Section 19 at Wolf Bayou. Exie took a patent on land joining them in 1890. This land was beside the Batesville-Clinton Road and along the old Cherokee Boundary Line. (Now the home of F.J. Hartwick.) Exie’s children were (not in order of age): John, Walter Jacob, Orah, Matilda "May", Bevin, Amanville. With her Kever bloodline plus the large families raised by her children she always said she "reckoned she was kin to all of Adam’s race".