
Mary Ann Correll (127) was the daughter of John and Mary Correll. As early as February 5, 1778, John Correll (318) entered a claim for 350 acres of land on the waters of Dutch Buffalo Creek in what is now the China Grove section of Rowan County. Since there were a number of John Corrells it is difficult to be sure of where he was born, but probably he was one of five brothers who came from Berks County (Near Reading) Pennsylvania and all of them bought land near each other in Rowan County, N. C. in the 1790’s.

John and Mary Correll moved to nearby Iredell County late in 1793 or early in 1794. Their daughter, Mary Ann (127), was born in January of 1795.

The Rowan County Corrells were prominent in the organization of Mt. Zion German Reformed Church between China Grove and Landis in Rowan County. But the family of John Correll became tied up with Liberty Methodist Church in their community (a church seemingly situated on their land). As Mary Correll Keever’s children grew up, every one of them became members and usually they were among the leaders. Jacob Keever’s name does not appear on the rolls until just before he left with his son for Arkansas. During his wife Mary’s life he may have belonged to a German church of some kind. The Corrells continued in the area for some time, but as with many families, they eventually went to other parts of our country in search of the elusive "better life."
