Black Rock Campground, Joshua Tree National Park, CA

Black Rock Campground is located at 4,000 feet elevation, has 100 campsites, no utilities, water is available. Fees are $15 per night.
The entrance road to this campground is bad, potholed and in desparate need of reapir. Not ure who it belongs to the NPS, the state, or the city, but it need attention. The park roads are not too much better. This is an old style park, made for car and tent campers, small motor homes, an short trailers. I have s 23′ and it was tight in many places. No signage, so arriving after dark makes it really fun and exciting.
We had a pull through, but it wasn’t level in any direction, so getting setup was interesting. I don’t think we will be returning here.
Reservations: Sites at Black Rock and Indian Cove campgrounds may be reserved from September through the Memorial Day weekend by calling 1-877-444-6777 up to six months in advance of the date you want to reserve. Or you may make reservations online at
Joshua Tree National Park web site