Baby Spey (Albright 1078 Converted to Switch)

This rod started as an Albright 1078, 10 foot 7/8 weight single handed rod with a fighting butt. I have the fighting butt converted to a 5 inch spey grip to make it a 10’5”, 7 weight switch. While the front grip is a little shorter than most 2 handed rods, I do not find it distracting.
Before modification, I was throwing a Sage 8 weight Indicator line on this rod (320 grain), but after modification I now throw a Rio AFS 6/7 scandi and a 450 grain compact skagit. They both work great. I also have a modified SA Headstart 10 weight single handed line that woks really nice on this rod. I has the head chopped at 15 feet and sink tips made to replace the 15 feet of floating head. I still use the 15 feet floating head the most, but it makes a versatile line…
I call it the Baby Spey because I have a Albright 13 foot 8/9 weight spey rod. After modification, this rod look almost exactly like a miniature version of the big guy…